What have you done to your Miata today?


missed going topless
picked up a rollbar this morning
m2 hard dog hardcore hardtop double diagonal
wedged it behind the seats ... top down ... 34F outside lol
34 is a good temp. I want to take the MSM out but there's too much salt on the road.
Time to jumpstart this thing! Bought her a set of wheels. Konig Lightspeeds 15 X 7.5, +32. Color choice will be revealed when I put them in in 1-2 months upon my arrival home.
Haven't done it yet... but we'll be doing a little... work... on the miata today.

With a sawzall. And an angle grinder. Pics to follow later today or tomorrow ;)
Pulled the battery out to put on a tender (finally) and the turbo so that I can rebuild it before spring time.
installed EBC green stuff pads front and back tonight along with resurfaced all my rotors. Night and day difference with how the braking feels now. i think my rear adjusters were at the limit so it took more pedal travel to get the rear pads to work now i can actually feel the rears catch before the front engage
whiz is that a used rad? How much was it?

I drove it, and considered installing my rollbar this weekend but I think it's still too cold.
Bought a hardtop. Well, actually a friend of mine bought it for me, and went and picked it up. Good price and I didn't want to miss out on it. So that will be waiting on my return home.