URGENT HELP NEEDED: Key Ignition Warning Alert Sounding


Hi there,
I need some expert advice: I tried to change the cabin filter. During the process, I dismantled the harnesses to the internal fuse box located below the glove compartment. After that, the ignition key warning alert comes on even though the key has been removed. :-( The immobilizer works fine and I can start the engine without issues.

Because of that, my door remote is also not working any more, I suspect it is because the car thinks that the key is still in the ignition keyhole. I drive a Mazda 3 2005.

Many thanks for helping.

Did you disconnect the battery first? If if not you could try disconnecting it now.... hopefully you didn't damage the PJB by unhooking it with the battery still connected. The other thing to do is to make sure all of the connectors are seated properly.
Thank you. Unfortunately I did not disconnect the battery first. The other functions seem to be normal, i.e. immobilizer and starting of the engine. Question, why would the ignition beeping be the only one side effect of not disconnecting the battery, wouldn't disconnecting the harnesses be of the same effect? Sorry for the newbie question.

It's possible that you didn't get all of the large plugs on the PJB connected entirely securely. When plugging them in you need to make sure they're entirely seated and then push down the locking arm, vs using the arm to "pull" them into their seats. Try disconnecting them again and reconnecting all of them.

It also could be completely unrelated. The 3's 'key in' sensor has been known to break before. If the keys are in the KEU is disabled, so that's why your remotes don't work..... the car thinks there are keys in the ignition. It's possible the sensor is just stuck and can be unstuck. Alternately you make need to replace the ignition tumbler with a new one to get everything working again. For getting it unstuck try coating your key with some lubricant and putting it in and out of the ignition multiple times to lube up the interior of it.

If neither reseating plugs or lubing the ignition work then you're likely looking at a new ignition.