turbocharge any car, so it claims...


'02 Protege5, Vivid Yellow
just wondering if anyone has stumbled across this site b4? looks pretty interesting. reminds me of that other thing u put in your intake. there was an infomercial of it. damnit i cant remember what its called...

anyways, think it would work at all? any thoughts?

absolutely not, youre a ******* idiot for even asking /flame

and youre talking about the tornado
the thing he can't think of is the TORNADO! do the world a favor and hit yourself in the head with a tack hammer!
let me explain why it won't work, all it does it "swirl" the air around supposedly, what will this do is just that swirl the ******* air around, which won't do s***. It doesn't push more air into the engine or anything like that. It will acctually probably reduce performace because the air now has to be "swirled" by that gay s***.
to answer your question in a more professional manner, it won't work, not only will it be unable to force air into the system, it will block air...not to mention squiggle it all up going into the engine.

lol :D

just keepin u on your toes

:p personally i dont believe it works too. just seeing if anyone here thinks otherwise.
Don't make me look for you and smack you! :D Being in the same city and all.

hell yeah!!! turbonater (isn't that the gov. of CA??)

if i remember right most of the BJ series has a tumbler for just this effect, therfore eliminating the need for the terminator?

or did i miss a meeting again??