Travel time from Chicago to Minneapolis? Drive or fly?


2012 CWP MS3
Google is voting at about 7 hours....

I've been driving to St. Louis, Cincinnati, and Detroit these past few weeks so I figured as I have a trip to the great white north [hope] in a few weeks, I was thinking about driving it as I haven't ever made the trek across the land of milk and...uh...milk. Otherwise, I usually fly.

Thoughts? I'll kill easy 5 hours via airport funtasticness: drive to airport, park, boarding pass/check in, security, anal cavity search, ~50 min flight, land, repeated anal cavity search, get bag, get rental car, then drive to final destination.

What's the general feel speedwise on 94 through WI? 80 mph easy? Do I need to worry about the, troopers?
Oh, I know the flight time (it's about 45 minutes actually, wheels up to wheels down - ATA is usually faster); I've flown it many times. I was seeing what it'll take to drive. If it was 5 hours or so, I'd drive it.

i drove from minneapolis to the western burbs in 6 hours exactly. did 2 round trips this summer. times all about the same. and i did it on 1 tank of gas :) but given the choice i may just fly next time... it's up to you.
i drove from minneapolis to the western burbs in 6 hours exactly. did 2 round trips this summer. times all about the same. and i did it on 1 tank of gas :) but given the choice i may just fly next time... it's up to you.

Thanks; seeing I live on the far souf side of Chicago, I have about an 1 1/2 hour drive to the Wisc. border as it is.

Barring any insanity otherwise, I suppose I'll fly (as usual).
The drive through Wisconsin isn't bad at all. Just bypass Milwaukee by taking 894 when you get close. It's a really easy drive and the only thing that can slow you down, other than Milwaukee, is construction, which seems to be pretty common.
i used to make this trip alot. driving it, i think, is great. there is some nice roads and nice scenery in northwestern wisconsin.
That was our road rally to Minneapolis. Not a bad drive.

I've gone that way twice. It is very scenic, and if you wanted to take more time, there's a state highway (67 I think) that goes along the Mississippi River.
Well, it turns out I will fly this time as I have to be there early on a Tuesday morning and I have class Monday night, so I'll have to arrange accordingly.

Maybe next time....
oh well maybe next time, I'm thinkin about taking a road trip up to mall of america and see some family in maple grove MN in a few months. minnasota rocks, a lot of things to do if you know where to go, used to live there, and scenery is breathtaking.

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