Topher's New Baby!!! But Will He Mod It

Dude, cuz your hand is the size of one of my fingers, lol. You can get your hands in smaller I had trouble getting to the screws cuz of my gargoyle hands man.
mazda_pro5_2nr said:
True. Like the weight of my leg, lol. (boom01)

that's one heavy ass leg then. actually i'm more along the 125-130 range. but yes, that WOULD be painful.

Jessica - Preston did tell us the other day that he wanted a baby brother to play with. Hahaha. Not gonna happen any time soon.
OK. So the new baby has been delivered. The happy father is about to spend 6 hours of driving time in it to get acquainted.
Thread is usless without them :p

Congrats guys!!

Jess...I too thought they were "expecting"
haha...i've gotta replace the batteries in the digital camera...i'll get some may be a couple of weeks...but they're coming!
it takes a couple of weeks to replace batteries? (boom07)

Somebody wanna help him out? :p