Tint is illegal...oh well

The fact that you are willing to lie to the police and use a fraudulent receipt to keep your tint is horrible. The fact that you'd go so far as to go to a doctor and lie to get your license changed to too much. Just get on with the fact that you ****** up and got caught. You're going through more trouble than tint on your car's windows is worth. As for this:
Having tint on my windows in no way affects anybody else.
There is a reason for the laws eventhough you seem to think there isn't, or they are there just to pick on you. What about the police officer that wants to be able to see clearly into your car to make sure you're reaching for your registration and not going for a gun?? What about when you go to turn into traffic at dusk and can't see the dark grey Grand Cherokee coming because he doesn't have his lights on and you can't see him?? There are times to put up a stink over things. This in not one of them. I suggest you take a shower to get the sand out of your vagina and grow the **** up.
AlbinoMuntjac said:
There are times to put up a stink over things. This in not one of them. I suggest you take a shower to get the sand out of your vagina and grow the **** up.
lol, I don't really think he raised a stink, he posted up "hmm I got caught, no big deal, I'll just lie"

if anything, other people put up a stink (including you) in reaction to him

and .... ewww
I will tell you right now, if you do get away with it, be aware it will be documented that you had your tint removed.. and next time they pull you over and see the tint on again.... they will chop your pee-pee.
(lol) now that would be enough to scare me to get rid of my tint forevAr!
ZiO said:
I will tell you right now, if you do get away with it, be aware it will be documented that you had your tint removed.. and next time they pull you over and see the tint on again.... they will chop your pee-pee.
no, it just looks like you got it retinted...I took mine off, had it inspected and then retinted a week later. Then I got caught again about 6 months later. Did it all over again, no biggy :D
Wow. Albino Muntjac, I'm sorry that this thread got you so worked up. But please, do not insult me or judge me based on the few words that I have left here. You are telling me to "grow the **** up" but I do not see you exercising anything but childish behavior here. If this thread bothers you, I'm sorry, I'm sorry that we all can't walk around with a halo above our heads and I'm sorry that there are people like me who don't follow every rule. But look at the things you are saying about something so minor as tinted windows. Do everyone a favor and just relax. I'm not here telling people that I'm right, or that they should be doing what I'm doing. I am just telling people what happened to me. I hope you don't visit the "Dumbest thing you said to a cop" thread and start flipping out on all those people too.
jonlong said:
Also, Please understand this: I am not proclaiming my actions to say that I am somehow beyond the law or that is in any way the RIGHT thing to do. I understand that what I am doing is illegal. I have only said so because I know there are many people in my position who could use this knowledge. If someone says that they have removed their catalytic converters and noticed a gain in power, I wouldn't respond to them telling them how much they are messing up the environment. Or if I see someone cross the street when the signal says not to, I don't go to them and tell them that they are breaking the law. Why? Because it doesn't matter.
the funny thing is that it does matter.

I believe that laws are created for a purpose...tint laws for your own safety and for the cops' safety...emissions laws for the environment...crosswalk signals for the safety of the pedestrian...

if you go ahead and do what you know is wrong, then you are proclaiming that you are above the law and that the law does not apply to you.

I'm not making a big fuss about the tint. I'm making a big fuss about your insistence on doing something completely illegal (forging a fraudulent receipt and submitting it to the DMV) and treating it as if it was something normal...I'm making a big fuss because there are people on this board who support your decision, and chances are, a lot more people will find out and try to do the same (you even admit to this because you feel that people could benefit from this knowledge).

This will have negative residual effects, and eventually, the effects of your actions will be passed down to me somehow in a form of a new law or a more watchful police officer.

I think that if you know that something is wrong, then you should say something. I don't say anything when it comes to someone else's opinion or personal preference, but when it comes to breaking the law with the full knowledge of the law, then I have to say something.
1Canuck2 said:
I am prepared to accept that this is not a black and white issue, with the law there are many grey areas. The degree to which you break the law, or the specific laws you break most definitely have a bearing on the seriousness of the crime.

Tint laws are tint laws, so from a "soapbox" perspective you can't deny you broke the law, (same deal as with speeding), but come on, trying to imply "anything wrong is equally wrong" is pushing things to the extreme. I would hardly call this low and sophomoric, especially if you are trying to avoid a flame war.
I sure wish the government and local law enforcement felt the same way about the levity of the law as you do.

A particular offense will almost always result in a particular penalty.

If you have illegal tint, you'll either receive a fix-it ticket (which they don't give here in California anymore) or a fine and an order to remove the illegal tint.

jonlong has already received the latter.

it seems to me as if he only has one option, and that is to remove the illegal tint.

however, he feels that faking the tint removal and informing the DMV as if it was legitimate is not only wrong, but will probably result in another ticket - and he'll have to repeat this process all over again.
and then he'll have to get another reciept... man i'm sure he's not the first person that ever did this..

why should you be worried about more watchful police officers unless you're not doing something wrong as well though?
I still think you are blowing it out of proportion and trying to start a flame war. Get off the soapbox about this. My point is, you are implying its just as bad as if he murdered someone because wrong is wrong and laws are laws. The law is not a set of black and white rules, it is constantly interpreted and rewritten based on the results of the judicial system.

If you live your life as an ethical angel and never break any law and rule then you can make these statements. I have yet to meet anyone who does this and I doubt you do (esp. with an avatar that feature someone beating someone else down). Psychologically, everyone decides for him or herself, the extent to which a law must be followed. This is human nature.

Every cross the road when there was no "Walk" sign? jaywalking
Ever take a pen home from work? stealing
Ever drive over the speed limit? speeding/reckless endangerment
By your definition, anyone doing the above is an evil and contemptible person.

If you want to attack people ona moral high ground, go to the street racer threads and flame the people who like to drag race through suburban neighborhoods, that's a far more stupid thing to do than this.

Would I fake the tint removal receipt? Maybe not, but thats not an excuse for me to climb on a soapbox and attack someone else for doing. Especially when technically he could go pay to have the tint removed, satisfy the order, then go back next week and get it re-tinted. Technically he will have complied with the order yet the result will be the same as just not doing it and sending a receipt that says he did.

This is not an issue over which to start a moral debate. If it satisfies you, think to yourself "idiot, I hope you get caught" and take the high road by not posting a holier-than-though post with the pretense of not trying to start a flame war.
1Canuck2 said:
Would I fake the tint removal receipt? Maybe not, but thats not an excuse for me to climb on a soapbox and attack someone else for doing. Especially when technically he could go pay to have the tint removed, satisfy the order, then go back next week and get it re-tinted. Technically he will have complied with the order yet the result will be the same as just not doing it and sending a receipt that says he did.

This is not an issue over which to start a moral debate. If it satisfies you, think to yourself "idiot, I hope you get caught" and take the high road by not posting a holier-than-though post with the pretense of not trying to start a flame war.

if you break a law, prepare to pay the correct consequence, and accept it.

if you admit to breaking the law, refuse to pay the consequence, but fake acceptance of it, then share your methodology as a legitimate means of bypassing the law, then to me, that's not cool.

I did take the high road...I said something about it.

Too often nowadays, we see something wrong and do NOTHING about it.

I think the whole street racing thing is wrong...but I think there's enough widespread opinion agreeing with me about that...

unfortunately, not many people agree with my belief that you should not fake your way around something illegal...
State tint laws were created for a purpose. Other states didn't think it was necessary. Some states have to be wrong.

You should honor the laws in your state out of courtesy for the authority of their legislature/law enforcement, but that authority can't at all dictate what is actually safe or what is actually immoral.
Mercure said:
State tint laws were created for a purpose. Other states didn't think it was necessary. Some states have to be wrong.

You should honor the laws in your state out of courtesy for the authority of their legislature/law enforcement, but that authority can't at all dictate what is actually safe or what is actually immoral.

I don't think it boils down to some states being wrong and others right. I live in FL, where gun laws allow me to buy a gun without a special permit. I used to live in NJ where I would've required a special permit to own a gun. Does this mean one state is wrong and one right? No, it just means the legislators in each state have different views on how to protect and regulate their citizens.

Obviously in the OP's state, the gov't has decided that his tint should be illegal. Like Mercure says, whether he wants to violate that law is purely a matter of conscience.

Cops should be protecting people from car theft, drunk drivers, and vandals. Pulling people over for window tint is bulls***.

I've been robbed, threatened, had my car vandalized, my house vandalized, and been subject to fraud and not once have the police ever helped me. I've been fined for speeding 3 times (in 7 years) and I didn't raise a stink because it's unsafe for idiots in cars to drive faster than they should. It's not the cop's fault that he doesn't know who can and cannot safely operate a car at a speed above the government's limit.

Window tint laws however are only designed to ensure driver visibility. When states can't agree on a standard, and some states take the liberty of completely restricting our freedoms instead of finding a solution, that's bulls***. Every state's interpretation of window tint safety is different, but they all agreed on highway speed limits (untill a few years ago).

It's simply a restriction on our freedom. I have no intention of making my car so dark I can't safely operate it, but I'll be damned if some 55 year old fatass in some state building is going to tell me that my windows pass 10% less light than what is safe, and that I'm required to pay him because of it.
Well, there is also the security issue of police approaching a vehicle and not being able to see in. It just sucks that there are bad people out there and the rest of us have to suffer because of it.

But I sure do love tint.
I live in AR and the tint allowed here minimum is 20% all around with the band on the front also