Tint is illegal...oh well

jonlong said:
I learned some valuable information about getting a ticket for tinted windows. I live in Michigan, where our tint laws are strict and it is illegal to have tint on the front windows (windshield and driver and passenger front side windows). I have 5% tint on everything except the windshield and I recently got pulled over for it. I've had tint on all my cars for the past 2 years and have never gotten a ticket till now. Anyways, after calling the police station to see what I had to do, I found out that I could
a) Pay to have the tint removed and have a cop inspect my car and sign it off
b) Simply mail in a receipt showing that I had my tint removed

So all I'm going to do is have my tint shop print up a receipt saying that I had my tint removed (no way in hell I'll actually have them take it off) and mail that in. Even better, I don't have to pay for tint removal or any fines.

Now I need to see if I can get a note from an optometrist so that I can have my license changed so that I can legally have my tint. Anyone know any place where I can get this?

so basically, you're going to lie about your tint and think you can get away with it, and while you're at it, you're going to lie about requiring an exemption from an optometrist?


I don't know you...but you're probably the kind of person who also lies about being disabled so you can get a handicapped placard.

I'm not trying to start a flame war, but seriously, have some sort of decency to claim responsibility for your actions.

lying about getting tint removed and then going through the effort of fabricating a fake receipt and then mailing it in to the DMV is seriously chickensh*t.
GerardPRO5 said:
so basically, you're going to lie about your tint and think you can get away with it, and while you're at it, you're going to lie about requiring an exemption from an optometrist?


I don't know you...but you're probably the kind of person who also lies about being disabled so you can get a handicapped placard.

I'm not trying to start a flame war, but seriously, have some sort of decency to claim responsibility for your actions.

lying about getting tint removed and then going through the effort of fabricating a fake receipt and then mailing it in to the DMV is seriously chickensh*t.
(mswerd) I was going to type out exactly what you just said, but decided to bite my tongue instead. Thanks.
I see what you are saying, but there is a big difference between people who lie about being handicapped and someone who lies to keep their tint. Someone that unnecessarily takes up a handicap spot when there are people out there who need them is wrong because what they are doing can potentially have a detrimental effect on others. Having tint on my windows in no way affects anybody else. Tint is illegal here, but it has so many benefits (appearance, keeps car cooler, protects interior from UV, less glare, etc...) and no disadvantages. Removing catalytic converters is worse than having tint because the extra pollution is worse for the environment. Maybe i have faulty logic in my justification, but I do not see how lying to legally have my tint is wrong.
And if you have ever driven over the speed limit, copied a copyrighted CD, downloaded any music or software, etc...(you get the point), then you have NO right to question my decency.
Maybe i have faulty logic in my justification, but I do not see how lying to legally have my tint is wrong.<!-- / message -->
lying to legally do anything is always wrong in principle.

just because there is not a victim directly associated with illegal tint does not mean that it's OK to do it.

let me put it this way, if you do go to the tint shop and they give you a fake receipt saying that your front tint has been removed, then you have already legally implicated the tint shop of malpractice.

if the DMV catches you again (which they will, if they caught you once already) and you flash the receipt at them, then you've basically pointed the finger at the tint shop as well as yourself.


that's not the worst part. the worst part of it all is that you go to a public online board and proclaim your illegal actions.

who's to know that this board is not being monitored by law enforcement personnel?

if you say you will do illegal things, and others agree with you and support your decision, then, law enforcement personnel will assume that this board is harboring illegal activity.

thereby, you've implicated all of us - who are now your victims.
GerardPRO5 said:
lying to legally do anything is always wrong in principle.

just because there is not a victim directly associated with illegal tint does not mean that it's OK to do it.

let me put it this way, if you do go to the tint shop and they give you a fake receipt saying that your front tint has been removed, then you have already legally implicated the tint shop of malpractice.

if the DMV catches you again (which they will, if they caught you once already) and you flash the receipt at them, then you've basically pointed the finger at the tint shop as well as yourself.


that's not the worst part. the worst part of it all is that you go to a public online board and proclaim your illegal actions.

who's to know that this board is not being monitored by law enforcement personnel?

if you say you will do illegal things, and others agree with you and support your decision, then, law enforcement personnel will assume that this board is harboring illegal activity.

thereby, you've implicated all of us - who are now your victims.
Get off your high horse, wus.
jonlong said:
And if you have ever driven over the speed limit, copied a copyrighted CD, downloaded any music or software, etc...(you get the point), then you have NO right to question my decency.
I'm not questioning your decency or your values or your ethical/moral outlook.

I'm just saying that boldly lying to the law enforcement officials is not the smartest thing to do and in all honesty, your idea of keeping tint by faking a receipt is pretty low and sophomoric.

in case you're wondering...I have driven over the speed limit (California Speed Law allows a driver to drive FIVE miles per hour over the posted speed limit in order to pass a vehicle)...I have copied my own CD's for backup...I've downloaded MIDI's and MP3's legally and I have downloaded freeware/shareware.

what's your point?
GerardPRO5 said:
what's your point?
we all do s*** wrong, so dont go pointing fingers behind your computer screen.
99% of the people on this board would probably do the same thing is it was that easy(which it is not in MD) so dont get all self-righteous on us(upyours)
pingdum said:
Get off your high horse, wus.
I could have sworn I wrote this in my first post:

I'm not trying to start a flame war...

protegeV said:
we all do s*** wrong, so dont go pointing fingers behind your computer screen.
99% of the people on this board would probably do the same thing is it was that easy(which it is not in MD) so dont get all self-righteous on us
not me. I wouldn't fake a receipt and pass it off as real. at most, it's a band-aid fix.
so they actually pulled you over for the tint or were you speeding or doing something else?

if it was just for the tint, that's pretty bad, although it really doesn't get much darker than 5%

now unless you're really good friends with people at the tint shop, I highly doubt they'll fabricate a fraudulent document just for the hell of it... unless you paid what they'd actually charge for the removal and just never show up for your appointment

and you always take a risk posting illegal crap on a public forum, really not a good idea
GerardPRO5 said:
not me. I wouldn't fake a receipt and pass it off as real. at most, it's a band-aid fix.
well Im sure that you and about 900 other people that would make up that 1% wouldnt do it. And yeah, of course its a bandaid. You dont do open heart surgery for a papercut, you get a bandaid :D
Every time he gets a tint ticket he mails a receipt in. Cops have no proof other than he has a lot of money to tint, remove, and retint his windows(maybe he can do it himself ;), they dont know)
nate0123 said:
now unless you're really good friends with people at the tint shop, I highly doubt they'll fabricate a fraudulent document just for the hell of it... unless you paid what they'd actually charge for the removal and just never show up for your appointment
thats brilliant, never thought of that angle, hehe :D

and you always take a risk posting illegal crap on a public forum, really not a good idea
yeah definitely dude, thats where ya messed up, by making this post in the first place.
how about get the tint fixed, and take away another reason for them to pull you over....who know's maybe next time they'll add another ticket that you can't get out off so easily....(shrug)
he still never answered whether or not the tinting was the primary offense. I know its a law in some states that tinting is a secondary offense which you cannot be pulled over for but only cited for if you were comitting some kind of moving violation, etc.

I dont know if that law applies in MD but i have never been pulled over FOR tinting, but I did get a repair order for it twice cuz I first got pulled for speeding.
To answer your questions, I got pulled over ONLY because of the tint. And once I have my license changed, I will be able to legally have the tint and I can't get pulled over for it again. I will most likely have to pay my tint shop the $20 that they charge for the tint removal (even though this is something I can do, and have done before) just to get the reciept. Even if I did have them remove the tint and have my ticket dropped, I would go back later and have the tint reinstalled. I would, however, rather save the time and money and just not have it installed in the first place.

Also, Please understand this: I am not proclaiming my actions to say that I am somehow beyond the law or that is in any way the RIGHT thing to do. I understand that what I am doing is illegal. I have only said so because I know there are many people in my position who could use this knowledge. If someone says that they have removed their catalytic converters and noticed a gain in power, I wouldn't respond to them telling them how much they are messing up the environment. Or if I see someone cross the street when the signal says not to, I don't go to them and tell them that they are breaking the law. Why? Because it doesn't matter.
Also, I will explain the nature of this ticket, since tint laws vary from state to state.

The ticket states that my windows are beyond the legal limits for tinting (yes, 5% is about as dark as you can get). This ticket only requires that I provide documentation of tint removal within 20 days and I recieve no fine or penalty whatsoever. So, what many people do in this situation is have their tint removed, have the ticket dropped, then go back and have the tint reinstalled. Having the tint reinstalled is illegal, but for those of us who would rather have the tint, it is a risk we are willing to take.
Isn't the beat down some guy is getting in Gerard's avatar illegal?

Think there is a little to much emotion going on here, it is only window tint.

And just to make a point, simply stating:
I'm not trying to start a flame war...
dOes not give you an excuse to post flammable comments and not expect someone to take the bait. Many of the threads that go down in flames on this board start with "Not trying to start something but..." and then the poster proceeds to start something.

I am prepared to accept that this is not a black and white issue, with the law there are many grey areas. The degree to which you break the law, or the specific laws you break most definitely have a bearing on the seriousness of the crime.

Tint laws are tint laws, so from a "soapbox" perspective you can't deny you broke the law, (same deal as with speeding), but come on, trying to imply "anything wrong is equally wrong" is pushing things to the extreme. I would hardly call this low and sophomoric, especially if you are trying to avoid a flame war.
For those of you who are mature enough to understand that "right and wrong" is not a binary system, I appreciate your support.