Thought to ponder....

Super Unique

2008.5 Mazdaspeed 3 Black Mica
With all the talk about various i/c upgrades, has any actually measured the pressure differential between the ducting above the intercooler, and the surface area just under the i/c to see what if any pressure differential there is?

All the i/c surface area in the world can't overcome bad flow of cool air through the core.

Any thoughts?
You also get more lag. I was posting the question to see if anyone had done testing in this area. If there were issues that could be overcome to increase the flow of air through it, that would give a nice boost for cheap.

FMIC is the best I know, but it also increases the length on the intake causing further turbo lag.
if you read up on sts remote mount turbo web site it points out that while you may loose boost and increase lag, the temp drop along the way compensates for it. with cooler denser air.
Just look at the turbo kits they make for vettes and pickup trucks. They mount the turbo's under the vehical in the back, Which means there are loongg pipe's for the intake charge. Yet there is still not alot of significant lag.

I doubt a FMIC would produce enough extra turbo lag for you to accually notice... but thats just me.