the hurricane is coming!


'02.5 MP5
hope every1 is stocked up on all ur supplies especially for the people on the big island. i'm out buying some tonite just in case. every1 keep safe and let our mazdas be unharmed xD

>< i need to get gas too hahaha...
Eah...this wan looks scary. Flossie. At least it's dying down, finally. I hope it dosen't do an Iniki where it totally died then POOF turned into a fit of rage and tore Kauai apart... *CRINGE*
i say we dump all the ice this whole island has into the ocean to make the waters cooler LOL. wow iniki was like so long ago. hah i was like 4 when it happened.
Im the one its going to hit. dunno why you are all worried. :(

s***.. and there was an earthquake like JUST now.. 5.4. s***..
But earthquakes r norm there heh...along w/ dem land slides...jes no send em dis way again.

I hear the thunder going nuts.
wow it was like windy the whole day but now its like just breezy. kinda weird cause no rain either. keep safe u big islanders xD
lol all i seen yesterday day over here in waianae was smoke from the fire in wailua the skies over here were black from the fire but it is alot windier here than usually hooray less heat on this side lol...............
We needed the rain. Oh well. Better than floating away, I suppose heh. And that damn fire is making freaking sick! I can't breathe well at all!