Support a fellow Speed owner out.


Was: 2003.5 Blazing Yellow MSP, Now: '05 Silver SRT-4
I was on K&N's site last night and noticed one post for the typoon intakes from MangoSpeed for typoon intakes for our car. Sounds like it got the beat around the bushes treatment (K&N guy still didn't answer his question). So I put a post reguarding the typoon intake to help Mango out. Those who are interested should post something on there to show K&N that we are interested in having this setup made for our cars. Just a thought:rolleyes:
From what I've heard around these forums, the Typhoon intakes are outrageously expensive. Look at how much crap every was giving when the Injen first came out. I'm sure no one wants that to happen all over again...
First of all...

Thanks vegas for looking out. I was pissed about the answer they gave but I am grateful that another fellow MSP sees my grief.

I did not want to start another Injen thing so I thought I would post to K&N's forum to get a simple answer to a simple question but I got the runaround. :wtf: The answer almost looks like some automated reply or something.

Forgive me fellow MSP owners but I'm gonna vent...
I'm probably not the only soul who saw that the Typhhon is now listed for 03' Proteges and want to know if they will fit MSP's. I know I should have calle or e-mailed K&N but I thought by posting on their forum, I could keep their employees from going insane from answering calls and e-mails about the same thing over and over. With the bum answer they gave, I almost don't give a crap about the Typhoon or any other intake and will just stick to the stock box. But ya, I still want to know...

Whew...hey...I feel better! :cool:

Once again, thanks Vegas for looking out
MangoSpeedG said:

Once again, thanks Vegas for looking out

Np Mango! That's why I posted this thread to help another fellow MSP owner out because I read that lame response you got from K&N. I figured if maybe some MSP owners just overload there forums they would take your question more serious:p
K&N says no to MazdaSpeed

In the latest reply from our friends in the K&N typhoon forum...

K&N does not currently have a Typhoon intake kit for the MazdaSpeed. However, we are looking for vehicles to test fit the prototypes. If you are local to K&N (Riverside, California) you may want to check out our "vehicles wanted" list at If you have a vehicle on the list and are willing to "loan" it to us for research, fill out the form at the bottom of the page and the R&D department will contact you when they're ready for your model vehicle.:confused:

I did a search and Dr. Sound loaned them his msp for testing... is this all smokescreen and they really do have something and still are working on it or did they just give up? Ah, oh well...there are better things to focus on...LIKE FOOTBALL!