Strange click from brakes


03 MSP
So I took my brakes apart over the weekend to sand down and repaint the rotors and when I assembled them back everything seemed to be working fine. Then the next day I started hearing a loud click coming from the rear of the car every time I step on the brakes. It doesn't happen every time I use the brakes but probably around 90%. Also, I have to push the pedal in a certain distance for it to make the nosie. I checked everything briefly today without taking it all apart, nothing seems to be loose/moving or out of place.

I'm planning on taking it apart and at the very least re-assembling everything tomorrow to see if that will help. What I was hoping for was any ideas you guys had of what it might be/ things I should check when I've got it taken apart.

I have the same clicking from rear ever so often. My brakes have always been s***. I have learned to live with them.
It's those G*d Damn car dolphins. I named mine Flipper...(eek2) (rockon) (eek2)

They add like 40 WDP Wheel Dolphin Powa!
K-S-W said:
Yea, funny they are like a dolphin. My dolphin's name is cheap s***.
Mine are Supa Dolphins and they make my car stop faster than a fat chick passing a hotdog stand!
Errrk, click, click, Errk! Yeah Baby! talk to Daddy come on Dolphy Wolphy make that sweet stopping music, BITCHES!
We got the necks in North Carolina to dogg. Straight out of the trailor. How many pickup trucks do you see a day?
I wish there were dolphins that would be cool clicking, my car would sound all smart like. Turns out that my 'friends' that helped me redo the rotors over the weekend forgot to tighten the bolts on the rear right wheel. To the point where when I finally figure it out today, one of the bolts had worked its way all the way off, like completely gone. 3 others were real real loose, and one was locked down. That's what pals are for right? But at least it was a cheap fix.
I have the same issue in my regular protege... I thought it was the brembos that I bought, but now I wonder.
I have the same issue on my P5, took it to the dealer. They tightened down the front axles, but said that it was because my pads were low, and moving within the caliper.

Well, that didnt make sense, but hey...I changed the pads, and the click is still there. Whenever you change directions from a stop (F->R, vice versa) you get a click when engaging the clutch. I also get the click from the rear during some braking.
Annoying s***. It's going back to the dealer on Mon.
Heck, I was just being sarcastic my brakes work fine and besides if I really had Dolphins I would have to eat them. MMMM Fresh Dolphin.
Back on track now, I'm having the exact same probelm with my right rear brakes. ANyone got any ideas? It's driving me nuts!
clicking noise (on a tightened wheel ;)) is the movement of a pad.
it is true especially with aftermarket pads (axxiss, bobcats....etc).
Dr.Sound said:
clicking noise (on a tightened wheel ;)) is the movement of a pad.
it is true especially with aftermarket pads (axxiss, bobcats....etc).

Funny you should say that. My right rear outer pad (the one that seams to be making the noise) looks like some paint is chipping off where it contacts the capiper. How do I fix this? New pads, or shim it up or what?
nahh, cant really do anything.
u might try to bend the rails a little......once u take the pad out u'll know what i'm talking about.
Dr.Sound said:
nahh, cant really do anything.
u might try to bend the rails a little......once u take the pad out u'll know what i'm talking about.

Thanks man, I'm changing struts this weekend so I'll do it then. 'Preciate it!
Update: Thought it might be the piston hitting the pad, so I re-adjusted the rear pistons as per the FSM and no luck. Still there...
it is the pad moving in the caliper. I threw a liberal amount of brake-quiet on there (the grease you get free or for .99 from the parts store when you buy pads) and it left.
Brake glue

if you think your pads are dragging on your rotors,(especially intermintently) spray glue for brakes will make them retract much better


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