spun out on BQE today.... (pictures included)


This morning on my way to work, I spun out and did 2 360 in the middle of BQE (I-278 Brooklyn) after I traveled through some snow in the middle of the highway. I wasn't hurt, but my protege5's back suspension was bent. The car is still drivable, but the rear has no traction what-so-ever. :'(

Here are some pictures...... although you see the rear bumper has no damage, it's now detached after they attempt to get me unstuck from there.....

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Glad to hear you're ok & I hope your car gets all patched up.
(rofl) (lol)

HAHAHAH.... that is soooo funny....

Anyway, I was using my stock tires, the rear one weren't in very good shape to begin with.... these summer tires really sucks, was thinking about changing them...... but now it's a little late.... still think I should change them...

If some of you guys remember this is my second hit with my P5. First time I hit a deer 3 months after I bought it... definitely not having good lucks with it.... or maybe I just don't know how to drive.... :'(

Well, one thing good about this accident, I caused the BQE to be completely shut down as they were trying to get my unstuck....

Black Majik MSP said:

Glad to hear you're ok & I hope your car gets all patched up.
well i'll be spending most if not all of my year-end bouns on getting my car unstuck and fixing the suspension alone.....

azian6er said:
dude you ****** up ur dgm front lip..... i feel for you.


Tell me about it..... no more looking cool ..... I was trying to be careful too... sigh.....
damn man where on the BQE i take that everday to school (brooklyn college)...
sorry to hear dat...our tires suck in the snow...
Ouch! Well, at least u're okay and u didn't take out any other cars with you. Spinning on an expressway CAN be fatal.
Exit 21 (I think, 67th Street) not far from Verzzono Bridge, East Bound before the bend close to Mitsubishi dealership.

Douggie: That's what the ambulance people said, the ambulance was not far behind me and they saw the whole thing.... so they threw on the light and slow all the other cars down, they were more shock then I did. There were even another very nice Africian American dude stopped to check on me too....
Ouch! I'm very sorry to hear that. Hopefully, you'll get your car back together without any serious issues.

Unfortunately, with winter being practially here, I know there will be many more instances such as this :( .

Good luck!!
Ouch!! Glad to see you are OK.
How DARE they make you go to work in this weather!
Sick bastards... :D
alexlitov said:
Dumb ass!!!

What were you thinking with driving with bare summer tires on???

Glad nobody was hurt by your stupidity.

I'll say it's because:

1) I don't have a choice but to venture to work.
2) I don't have enough $$ laying around for snow tires before the storm hits.
Ouch man. The BQE just plain sucks - even in dry weather when you're NOT spinning out.......

My 5 hasn't moved since it started snowing. With the amount of snow and the drifts, it looks like a Honda Element in the driveway covered in snow ;).

At least you're okay, and aren't hurt.

hihoslva said:
Ouch man. The BQE just plain sucks - even in dry weather when you're NOT spinning out.......

My 5 hasn't moved since it started snowing. With the amount of snow and the drifts, it looks like a Honda Element in the driveway covered in snow ;).

At least you're okay, and aren't hurt.


Haha, looks like a Honda Element in snow..... haha....
Yeah bro, If I were you I would not drive your P5 if at all possible I haven'nt taken mine out. I've been using my dad's Mistubishi Montero Sport with 4wd that s*** is awsome in the snow. Sorry to hear about what happened :( hope everything works out in the end. Our stock tires suck balls I remeber drifting the crap out of my P5 last year.

hihoslva what part of the island are you from?