SP33d meets hail.


09 CWP MS3
I easily have 200+ golf ball size dents on the roof, hood, drivers doors, drivers fender, spoiler, and my spoiler extension is cracked and has spider cracks all over it. Oh, and my headlights are cracked. We had a freak hail storm at work tonight, it sounded like God was throwing buckets of golf balls on the roof. When I went out on my break to look at the car, and didn't notice more then a couple of dents which I can live with. The car was covered in rain, so I didn't notice anything bad until I got home. I have full coverage so that shouldn't be a problem, taking it to a buddy's shop tomorrow to have him take a look at it. ugh, FML.
Oh noes. Sorry to hear about that. At least you have the insurance to cover it so you'll be ok. It still sucks though. Keep us updated!
damn, that sucks. i would be so pissed. but i guess there really is nothing you could have done. hope it gets fixed as good as new.
damn, that sucks. i would be so pissed. but i guess there really is nothing you could have done. hope it gets fixed as good as new.

Oh, I am. I was all excited because my front mount came in, and this just stole my sunshine. I was probably the only girl at work that even cared, I heard the hail and was just like "omg, my car..."

--EDiT;; These are the only pictures that you can really see anything an, I'll be getting more tomorrow.



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I feel for you. When it looks like bad weather I won't drive my car, I make my wife drive. :) I've had two cars hit with hail now and I'm afraid I attract it like a magnet or something.
Sad story. I hate hail, makes me cringe. Luckily I work at home now and can usually keep the car in the garage. I hope they get it back to 100% for you soon.
Yeah really sorry to hear that... My wife's hood has some hail damage from last year. I am always afraid of the hail. We just had it over the weekend but luckily my car was in the cover of a thick tree and my house and they weren't any where near golf balls size..
Man, what a huge bummer and a pain to have to go through all this. Hope all goes smoothly with the insurance company and body shop.

I fear this because I'm in FL and I missed a hail storm by a few minutes a month ago. Can a body shop make all of the dents go away and look like new? I heard golf ball sized hail are the ones that do damage, not the little pellet sized ones. Not that I want to find out, cause I would cringe if any hail was falling on my car.