Sooo I was fired from my job today....

I was a National Sales Assistant for WTXX for 2 years. Of all my media jobs, it was the best. work on the phone, the boss left me alone, and I really started to understand media sales. now i'm a grunt for a larger local team. they call this office "the dark side" or "the pressure cooker" or "the trenches". (fight).

How long were you with your previous job? and don't sweat getting fired, it's broadcast. When I was on national side, MMT was turning over media assistance like they were going out of style. As long as you didn't donkey punch anyone, I'm sure you'll be able to get another job. I still get emails from cool ass peeps who've moved upwards and onwards.

Thats what I started to realize...assistants are at a high churn rate. I was there for just over 6 months, and I was put on probation because they thought I wasn't at the level an assistant should be at at 5 they said I have 30 days to improve some of the things they would like to see.

I thought I was doing I felt good about myself....showed improvment ( was just things like...needs to double check charts before giving them to supervisor and is reminded to often of deadlines).

SO I worked on it, made sure to write down everything they asked me, doubled/triple checked work..etc.

Then I had my follow up meeting, and I was eager to hear how I have improved and what I should stilll work on....instead it was

"Sorry Doug, we have decided to terminate your employment here"

Oh thanks for telling me at 4 after I did a whole days work for you.
Hey guys...jsut a lil update.

I start my new job on Monday!

Same career fact my HR Manager from my old job (while talking about my severance) reffered me to it.

Go figure....shes like, your VP and Sup said you were great to work with etc. etc. so you might want to give this a try. I interviewed and got hired on the Spot. Its actually a company that is under the Parent company I used to work my Tax forms and the likes were just transfered over.

I'm actually gonna keep looking for a job outside of Media Buying still, but now I don't' feel useless.

Thanks for the well wishes.
I think God hates me...

Soooo I find out today that my company that I just got hired at, is folding underneath the company I got let go at...

Sooo Dec27th is my last day at my new job.

On the hunt again.
thats sucks man, thats the chips some times, theres pleeeenty of opertunity out there to work you just got to try! and try again. babe ruth hit the most home runs while simotainisly strikeing out the most!
I don't know how old you are. I think you said you where just out of college.

I've been working for 24 years as an Engineer. I got married and have two wonderful kids.

I was so into my job, and always wanted to move up.

But, nothing really matters except the kids.

Work really doesn't matter. Nothing really matters except family and kids.

You work to make money that's about it.

Even the best people have gotten fired at least once if not twice in their life.
Cheer up man, things can be worse. You got friends and family has a support group, and your apparently young so you also got your health. One thing in life is that you will fall on times, just don't dwell on it b/c it already happened and you can't change it, so just keep that positive attitude up and look towards on you will get over this speed bump.

Your a college grad, young, earger to work, employers will notice that s***. You'll be good in no time. Just keep a positive outlook, and work hard at it, it is always rewarded in the end.

G'luck man