Sold the speed =(


Pearl White Speed 3
Well boys I bid farewell to my 09' CWP MS3 the other day after just a year of ownership. I recently got a ridiculous speeding ticket and unfortunately I'm not in a position to pay premium insurance rates at the moment so I had to let her go. For now I will just be driving my track rat (motocross track) 04' Ford Ranger then may look into getting a miata next spring. I will still lurk around the site as I enjoy the Mazda community. Anyways, the MS3 has been a great vehicle, all my friends and girlfriend had almost as hard of time letting it go as I did. Have fun with you MS3's and drive safe!







What I hope to be back with next summer (nana)

In what way? As in you don't think you should've got one or as in you were trying to set the land speed record?

Well I was haulin' some ass, 102 in a 65 with the cruise set (thumb) I had my windows down and my music up, it was 3:30 pm, nobody on the roads. I didnt have the volume on my V1 up high enough, I look up and its going ballistic full blast Ka band behind me. So i slowed to 65 and went into the middle lane and prayed. Then you can guess the rest, it was a really stupid thing to do, I wasn't even in a hurry, but I had been having some lady problems that day so I decided to take it out behind the wheel (stupid I know) but yeah, lesson learned for sure.
Well I was haulin' some ass, 102 in a 65 with the cruise set (thumb) I had my windows down and my music up, it was 3:30 pm, nobody on the roads. I didnt have the volume on my V1 up high enough, I look up and its going ballistic full blast Ka band behind me. So i slowed to 65 and went into the middle lane and prayed. Then you can guess the rest, it was a really stupid thing to do, I wasn't even in a hurry, but I had been having some lady problems that day so I decided to take it out behind the wheel (stupid I know) but yeah, lesson learned for sure.

LOL just tell him your cruise control was acting up.
Too bad they didn't take your license away so you'd be completely off the streets. At least you won't have a fast car.
Born to be a douche, tyrdstrom is. As if any one of us hasn't done something stupid and had to suffer for it. Look hard in the mirror before proselytizing.
Tough break, though if I got a ticket for that they'd probably arrest me for reckless endangerment (25+ over the limit in my home state). So it probably could have been a lot worse!
That's a damned shame, man. Sorry to hear it. Did you get the feeling that the new owner understood what he/she was getting and will appreciate it?
Call me what you want, but I see car crashes all the time on my way to work. I hate having to drive on the same interstates with people who drive way too fast and end up killing people. We just had a funeral at my church today for a 31 yr old mother and her 2 yr old daughter because of stupid drivers.

If I'm a douche, well that's fine, but at least I'm not a douche that puts other people's lives in jeopardy.

so u bought ur ms3 to go the speed limit all the time, please sell that thing to someone who will put it to use asap! lol just kiddin man
really guys?? out running cops? this is the kind of s*** you think is relevant on these forums?? Well it's not. As a matter of fact, it's absolutely not allowed. Keep it up and infractions will be given.
I will say this again...if there is any talk about running from cops here or anywhere on this will get an infraction.
Too bad they didn't take your license away so you'd be completely off the streets. At least you won't have a fast car.

So you have never exceeded the speed limit in your car. Thought so. I bet you have had it over 100 too. I bet there is not a member on this forum that has not had their Speed in triple digts.
That's a damned shame, man. Sorry to hear it. Did you get the feeling that the new owner understood what he/she was getting and will appreciate it?

NOT AT ALL DUDE! hahah. I was explaining how the tune increased boost and he was like "what is boost?" I stopped there lol. Its a damn good thing I had the AP installed and car tuned correctly or else this guy would have been in trouble. I showed him all the gauge functions of the AP and he didnt know AFR's, boost, retard, MAF or much of anything else. He was a pretty average joe.

No need to get into a poo flinging contest here guys, save the speeding for the track and dont do any crazy driving that will endanger passengers or other motorists' :)