Rotary Love from Modified Magazine!



Just like to congratulate Phil (Herblenny)
on having not ONE but TWO of his Awesome Rotary Powered Mazdas in the January 2010 issue of Modified Magazine!

Props to Modified Magazine (
as well for running the piece and for publishing this KILLER COVER!


* Photo by Jeff Creech


* Photo by Jeff Creech


* Photo by Jeff Creech

Thanks Antoine! Now you need to make it out to my event, Deals Gap Rotary Rally! You'll have a blast there... this year 2 x 3 rotor FD RX-7 have already signed up and there might be more coming.

Also, I would like to thank photographer Jeff Creech for shooting my cars. He was great to work with and did an amazing job!
Thanks Antoine! Now you need to make it out to my event, Deals Gap Rotary Rally! You'll have a blast there... this year 2 x 3 rotor FD RX-7 have already signed up and there might be more coming.

Also, I would like to thank photographer Jeff Creech for shooting my cars. He was great to work with and did an amazing job!

Jeff posted up some stuff on Canon Forums about this shoot. Congrats on making the cover really well deserved.
I saw this issue at borders and was flipping through it. I thought he would be on the forums for sure. Congrats!
haha thats what i did. i was taking my break during work and saw the mag and noticed the rx-7 right away. then saw the cosmos and knew for sure it was him. (cool)