Rare problem with very low mileage: Starter

2010 Mazda 5 GT galaxy grey
Hi everyone,

This morning it was darn cold. I got out to fire up the 5 at -28C (-18.4F). No way! The starter would wind up without engaging the flywheel. Lucky I am to have roadside assistance/warranty still on the car. They (the Dealer) replaced the Starter late his afternoon under warranty. Oh yes, the mileage is 20000 kms (12000 miles)
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Well on the 22nd, a little colder. But this time, it started! At these temps, the crank goes around 5 or 6 times in order to get ignition.
Yes, this issue got solved by a starter replacement. I shall add there is no electric warmer of any sort installed on this car, so it did very good since then. It went to work and back all week (well except Monday of course).
There are not mandatory, by law. A good battery will get you going anytime. a block heater wouldn't have helped in this case as the starter isn't in the engine block per say. I remember reading something in this forum or another, about a vent opening in the starter. I wonder if this could have caused the problem I experienced about the starter spinning nice and fast, but not engaging the engine flywheel?
I have the same problem when really cold...my starter thingy doesn't want to come out either.