quiet in MN...

update; i picked up the AFC V2 (with timing), so my 'regular' v2 will be for sale. brand new, haven't even seen it yet, but it is in my storage in Burnsville, along with my car. Anyway, still plan to set foot in MN on 28th, so I will post here soon after ;)

John, You are coming back to MN?????

Tom is off getting married and will be back on the 27th. We will have to have a get together. Just got my car rolling again a month ago and Tom, well, I don't think he has 2K miles on his car this yr. Needless to say, it needs to get out of his garage a few more times before the snow flies
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John, You are coming back to MN?????

Tom is off getting married and will be back on the 27th. We will have to have a get together. Just got my car rolling again a month ago and Tom, well, I don't think he has 2K miles on his car this yr. Needless to say, it needs to get out of his garage a few more times before the snow flies

Yes, I am en route home from Afghanistan right now and will be back to MN within 48 hours, this Sunday (when the installation of parts begins!! :):):)) through Thanksgiving...then I will head back to Virgina to continue the forensic photography contract work.

Tom n Kim,
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Thanks.... Let me know when you are installing the items on your car.. Ziv and I will stop out...
THANK YOU BOTH!...and boost357, also. I am at 651-428-6020 if you want to call and let me know when YOU are free, and I will adjust my schedule.

A clean garage (with some tools) is really what I am lacking right now. I have a 10x20 rented, but it has no power. haha!
I can bring tools if needed. I have to run home after work for a bit but I'm thinking I can be done by5pm. I'll give you a call when I get off @ 4.

where's the unit your renting?
the unit is 35W and Cliff Rd. (Across hwy from VW dealer). Other problem there, however, is no electricity other than one light. Oh, and they close at 6pm also. :(
I guess it's up to ziv if his willing to offer up his place.

edit:if not, we can use mine, I can let you keep it overnight in the garage if needed
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alrighty, 2 things before I forget, 1-I only have 2 jack stands, 2-I don't have an O2 socket for to remove and re-install O2 sensor on the exhaust

I'll call you around 4 to see what's up.