Putting two kayaks on roof

On a serious note...
You may want to check mazdastuff.com.
I got my bike rack from there and they may have something for your kayaks. Not sure cause I haven't looked. You may also want to call the guy that runs the site (I think his name is Richard) cause he is also in the parts dept. and may be able to point you in teh right direction if he doesn't have what you need.

Good Luck.
use the search feature look under racks factory racks are not rated to carry much more than a bike wind lift is the issue with kayaks sufboards ect.. use after market racks thule first than yakima check their web sites do your homework.
I already used search, thanks...saw some basic info but didn't see anything if anyone had been successful and nothing about kayaks.

Already did homework on yakima (thule has nothing for our cars) - cost about $300 to get those puppies aboard.
I have seen a P5 with kayak racks on the roof, so someone HAS done it. Go ahead with it, post pics!

edit: Don't know if the guy was using the factory racks or not. Would you want to, or just replace the whole thing with thule or yakima?
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I put 2 ww play boats stacked on top of one-another on the factoy rack and have had no problems. It's not the best looking or most aerodynamic, but it works. Just make sure you put the boats on last and take them off first because you won't be able to open the hatch once they're on.
thule does make racks for p5 but you need to remove roof rack rails factory racks are not rated to carry very much the hundred pound rating is for static weight only when you are moving down the road aerodynamics play a whole different factor on the rack. when your roof is tweaked from some object not rated it will not be covered.if you check around you will find that most factory racks have just about the same problems there are exceptions but not many. i have removed roof rack rails and am using thule racks.the factory rack mounting area is just thin sheet metal no real structural support those that carry heavy loads are playing russian roulette my two cents.