Problem shifting into reverse


Yesterday morning as I was pulling out of my garage, I had problems putting my car into reverse. I had to force the shifter down and when I got it into reverse i had to pull the shifter back up. I was going to look at it myself because I assumed it was a simple problem to fix but I opted to take it to the dealer. The mechanic said that there was a pin that was bent and he straightened it. He said it could have been bent from aggressive shifting but I haven't shifted aggressively yet so I don't think that is the case. 1500 miles on the car atm and I won't beat on it till the first oil change. I left the dealer happy because it was fixed. Today i drove the car again and The shifter is again sticking in the down position. Not nearly as bad as yesterday but it is still sticking down. Has anyone experienced this? I will probably pull off the center console today and have a look at whats going on but before I did that I wanted to see if anyone else had an opinion. Thanks in advance.
I haven't had the exact problem you described, but I do notice that sometimes when coming back to neutral, the shifter doesn't "pop up" and so when I put it in first, I really still am in reverse. I almost hit a car like that...
on my test drive i had a hell of a time getting the thing into reverse when we got back to the dealership, the shifter on my regular 3 is even worse, especially when its cold ( for some reason ). or maybe im just an idiot..
That is the best thing. YOU take off the center console and look at everything around that shifter. Operate it so you can see everything moving and happening in there.
Try this is your having trouble putting it in reverse....instead getting frustrated and forcing it in, put it in 1st gear...then try again into reverse. It should go in like butter.
Try this is your having trouble putting it in reverse....instead getting frustrated and forcing it in, put it in 1st gear...then try again into reverse. It should go in like butter.

Ive always done this since I was 16 with any manual car I have owned. I have never forced any car in reverse. Sometimes I even have to go 1-2-R to get it into reverse on my honda. With the speed IIRC I would just go 1-2-R and it would go in fine. To the OP just try this...

If it's what I'm thinking, the lock-out pin was bent. It might be just fine now . . . or not. You can pull off the top of the console and take a look to see how it all works. If the pin got bent, there may be other damage to the shifter base. I just had mine replaced under warranty b/c the lock-out pin had an edge that scraped away at the base until there was a channel in the plastic. It felt really notchy shifting b/t 1st and 2nd as a result, like it wanted to go into R.

It's really easy to get access. Just unscrew the shift knob, and then gently pull on the shift cover until you see where the plastic console comes apart. No tools required.
if i do find something, its covered so im not too worried. It still sticks a little when i push down but after shifting OUT of reverse it pops back up fine.