Post Pics of your Mazda2 / Demio

Same here. I'd have went with that color if it were available here. Probably would not collect as many comments as my spirited green car gets, its definately a fun color.
Here's what my MiniSpeed looks like now :) Man the Mazda2 looks sweet lowered. New pictures soon, I need to wash her up.

Ho yeah I do feel a difference, better in turns, more grip all around.
The ride feels better too, I wasen't expecting that at all.
I drove in a lot of rain and it was good too, no loss of grip.
And they look mean even on stock wheels, but I really need 15x7" to make them look better.
My new 2. Unmodified (as of yet).

I name my cars (everybody takes a step back from the crazy old man; hey, if I'm going to be making payments for multiple years in order to acquire it, I'm naming it!). This one takes her name from a character in the TouhouProject series of computer games, the "beloved tomboyish daughter" ice faerie Cirno (pronounced cheer-noh).
Love it, does EVERYTHING better. Unfortunately, I need new tie-rod ends, but the springs weren't the cause of that, they've been on their way out for a couple weeks before install haha. Thanks again dude!
Very nice, 2013? I have been lurking on this site 2-3 yrs and when ppl have similar interest AND
Same car, I just couldn't risist to say hi..... so... hi cirno... I feel very stupid
...our mazda2 have different Concept ; ZUN ZUuuN.

Thanks mazdas247.
@ AKAiUSHi: If there's anything I've held true to over the last 5+ decades, it's FOLLOW YOUR BLISS. This has lead me down many a backroad that sees little travel, but its where I feel At Home.

regarding "ZUN ZUN" ... zoom-zoom was also used by Mazda in Japan, so "ZUN-ZUN" would be acceptable punplay for both markets for someone who is both a Mazda aficionado & a TouhouProject fan. I'm considering it for a custom license plate.

(and, BTW you DO know that ZUN himself will be attending Anime Weekend Atlanta in September? Oh, yeahhhhh!)

More generally now: so I like anime and it associated media. I could say to myself, "I'm 57 years old -- I'm NOT ALLOWED to like anime! Society says so!" and go about my life unfulfilled. Or, I could say, "EXPLETIVE DELETED what Society says, I like anime, it doesn't hurt me or anyone else. I'm am anime fan!" And be happy.

Thank you, forum, and we now return you to your regularly-scheduled thread, already in progress ....