PLZ HELP!!! How to remove Double sided tape


2003 Mazda Protege5
Could someone plz help me, I applied double sided tape to the front of my MP5 to install a DGMotorsports Uerethane lip and now I need to take it off to have it painted, but the tape in ON the front of my car and WILL NOT come OFF with ease, Oh, it came off the lip really easy but on the car, what a b****! Any suggestion on removal that WILL NOT effect my paint? PLZ HELP
From what I have seen around the forum 3M adhesive removal works pretty well. That what most of us have used to remove our side moldings. The only advice I could give is to give the 3M stuff time to loosen the glue before you try to remove it again.
Thnx all for your help, I got it all off but can you believe it took 3 hours and there wasn''t really that much, mayb about 2 feet worth total. What a B$T*H.
yeah that about how long it took me. my fingertips never forgave me trying to peel the last bits of glue off, but I think it was well worth it... shows that we have dedication towards our cars
Sorry to bring an old thread back from the grave, but the best way I have found to remove adheasive is to use lighter fluid on a rag. You rub the lighter fluid onto the surface and the glue just wipes off. Seems to work really well, and so far, no damage to any painted surface I have tried it on.
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Thnxs MX5Racer. I have since removed all the tape, but my buddy that was suppose to paint them for me took off with my ground effects, I'm pissed off so much. I really liked the way they looked and I don't have an extra $1000 for a new set.
Boss and I

 When I take a long time, I am slow.   When my boss takes a long time, he is thorough.   When I don't do it, I am lazy.   When my boss doesn't do it, he is too busy.   When I do something without being told, I am trying to be smart.   When my boss does the same, that is initiative.   When I please my boss, I am ass-kissing. ..World Of Warcraft gold is WoW gold  When my boss pleases his boss, he is co-operating.   I do good, my boss never remembers.   When I do wrong, he never forgets.
next time try to get your hands on a pinstripe removing wheel. it fits right into your drill and makes really quick work of stuff like this.

(yes caps were necessary as if you screw around and press too hard or leave the wheel in one spot too long the paint goes with it...) just take it easy at first and within a couple of inches of it you'll have the hang of it.
Another thing that helps is rubbing alcohol. Thats what i used on my side moldings last week. It just eats right through the glue.
I have a question here
before buying the $30 3M adhesive container..
would acetone-free nail polish and/or rubbing alcohol loosen up my side molding glue strips?!
Most likely, some people use goof off or even WD-40. Anything will strip everything off the paint so a small coat of wax where the molding was isn't a bad idea.