Please put an arguement to rest!


Now that 3 of you guys have your cars, will one of you please put a huge arguement to rest. Will one of you buy a boost gauge and see how much boost the MSP is putting out? My vote is for no more than 6.5psi. You can get a cheap boost gauge at any pepboys or autozone for like $40. There is a nipple that isn't used on the top of the intake manifold. It is capped off by a black rubber cap. You can use that as the source. I am very curious what the boost level is.
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so your saying you can check the boost of anything with a nipple? I have a nipple Ben, could you check my boost?

Sorry I just couldn't resist....
AHAHAHAHAHAAHA BEN im ******* cracking up at your avatar..jesus thats great...

lol 9 their dreams....
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I agree, that Office Space Avatar is awesome. I was gonna say something but someone else already beat me to it. I love that movie.
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I can't comment on the boost gauge.
Weren't we talking about boost gauges? And one doesn't one of the Mazdaspeed Protege owners have one yet? Huh? Well?

I have a thought that it might allow more boost at higher ambient air temperatures, which seems like the wrong thing to do, but the engine might make 170hp with 6psi at 30 degrees F and it could take 9psi at 80 degrees F to make the same power. I'm not going to figure out the math, but those of you who get it, get it. If it allowed the same boost at all temperatures then you might make 200 hp at 30 degrees and 150 at 100.
big_ben said:
Now that 3 of you guys have your cars, will one of you please put a huge arguement to rest. Will one of you buy a boost gauge and see how much boost the MSP is putting out? My vote is for no more than 6.5psi. You can get a cheap boost gauge at any pepboys or autozone for like $40. There is a nipple that isn't used on the top of the intake manifold. It is capped off by a black rubber cap. You can use that as the source. I am very curious what the boost level is.

So you are saying no more than 6.5 psi, but what about Car and Driver, they say 6.9 psi...HUH Ben?? What about that?!?

And what about what's his face's mom working at Mazda, she said ti wasn't under 6.5...Or whatever.

Somebody put a damn boost gauge on their MSP so we can settle this once and for all...And to show that we are all wrong.
I am having the stupid factory alarm that goes off if you breath to hard, taken out of my car and new one put in on the 18th and will be having a boost gauge installed at the same time, so unless some one does it before me I should be able to let you know by that evening.
Warp Speed huh?

oh ok i know what you are talking about! Warp Pseed thats my Department...

mainly we would like to take the primary fusion inductors, and create a plasma conduit to allow for more transchronic phase, and by increasing the GNDN flow, we can optimize tricordic transition. that way producing more boost. I am sure we could check LCARS for relay information supplied by the main computer core, which sends information to the warp coils to control the amount of field energy created by them. and by dividing the pressure times the time it takes for spool, actuating cost for effiencey plus george washingtons birthday divided my christmas plus the square root of the summer solstice minus 3.14 will give approxamitely 6.5psi.

dont you just love technobable?
Re: Warp Speed huh?

Pro5OnSpeed said:
oh ok i know what you are talking about! Warp Pseed thats my Department...

mainly we would like to take the primary fusion inductors, and create a plasma conduit to allow for more transchronic phase, and by increasing the GNDN flow, we can optimize tricordic transition. that way producing more boost. I am sure we could check LCARS for relay information supplied by the main computer core, which sends information to the warp coils to control the amount of field energy created by them. and by dividing the pressure times the time it takes for spool, actuating cost for effiencey plus george washingtons birthday divided my christmas plus the square root of the summer solstice minus 3.14 will give approxamitely 6.5psi.

dont you just love technobable?
Dude, I'm calling you out...

how many times have magazines, mazda and other sources said it is 6.9 psi???? i've read this number 100000000000000 times. whats all this 6.5 and 9 psi crap about?

then again i guess it would be nice to see via a boost gauge, then again, i wouldn't **** up my warranty to satisfy some of your guys arguements about such a minor thing.
I'm prettyt sure you'd have to unhook and cut some vac hoses to put the boost gauge into the car which would probably not sit well if you want warranty work done.
Gro Harlem said:
then again i guess it would be nice to see via a boost gauge, then again, i wouldn't **** up my warranty to satisfy some of your guys arguements about such a minor thing.
I'm prettyt sure you'd have to unhook and cut some vac hoses to put the boost gauge into the car which would probably not sit well if you want warranty work done.
Installing a boost gauge is not going to void the warranty.
Not at all. You don't even need to cut into any vaccum hoses. I explained it very well in my first post.
well i'd check with mazda about it. They will be looking for anything to void the warranty if you need any work done. I wouldn't take the risk, esp with such a badass car.

hell yeah i am! friday when Nemisis comes out im dressing up.... OH YEAH BABY!

whats worse, me saying that or you knowing what i am talking about!!!???(sssh) i wont tell if you