Pics of my 'zook and my recent trip.


2002 MSP wannabe
I took a 255 mile round trip today from Pendleton, Oregon to Wallowa lake in NE Oregon. Beautiful place with great roads leading there. Would be nice roads to take in the car, but much more fun on the bike! (drive)

Here are some pics. She's a 1999 Suzuki Kat 750. (behind my woman and my car)


Oh man, if I lived around there I would have to get a bike too.

Frickin Ohio is nothing but a flat grid. I think it would only be fun to ride if you were really really into the movie Tron.

Nice pics!
Thanks...yeah, I moved from OKC to Oregon about 7 months ago. I miss the "city" atmosphere cuz I live out in the middle of nowhere [pendleton] but it's not all bad...(see pics :D)

What's Tron?