Photos of my box

servoeyes said:
You haven't seen Got Wake's boxes have you? (evil)

lol, wait till i post up the pics for my 18;) 38x13x28:eek:

Bones526, what are the dimensions of your box? about 32x10x15? and don't forget to clean out the inside of the box after you cut the hole. saw dust will collect on the subs, and can get in the air vents:(
jflo said:
holy crap i just saw the pictures....that huge thing is going in your tiny Protege trunK ? WTF !?!??!?
Haha, trust me, it fits, with trunkspace left even! I did have to make those 45 degree angled edges so that i could slide the box all the way up against the back seats, and there is just enough room left on top of the box to mount the amp. (I'm into using space efficiently. :D)

The dimensions are 36x16x12 (divided into two 1 cu. ft. chambers.) The angled top corner edges are what allow me to have it that tall and that wide at the same time and still fit into the trunk. The floor of the protege trunk is about 39" wide, but the walls get narrower as you get closer to the ceiling.

The reason i didn't cut the holes first is a long story, but basically my dad has been using the router (to build a spiral!?) so i couldn't use it for my mounting holes. Plus the weather in SC has been crazy the last few days (sleeting a ton and ice all over everything including my poor protege :'( and i can't use the router inside my garage. Anyway it won't be any problem to cut them now that the box is assembled.

More pics soon, i'll show you what it looks like inside the trunk so you can get a better comparison with one of got wake's behemoths. :D
just a suggestion... maybe add a couple of more screws just to be safe.....

and definetly add some on the corner pieces that u plan on adding

just need some carpeting and some 3M spray adhesive and youre ready to get busy!!!

have fun.
sounds like you planned it out nicely.. I have no trunk space.. I have everything out on display. one of these days I am going ot make a bigger box and redo the trunk and have even less space.. oh well.. that is what the back seat is for..
i may as well put the box in the back seat b/c it's not like my wimpy little protege is going to be able to carry more than 1 passenger after i put these subs in. :D
dream merchant said:
just a suggestion... maybe add a couple of more screws just to be safe.....

no need to. screws, brad nails, staples only hold the box together till the glue dries. a good wood glue is stonger than the wood itself;) you can take 2 pieces of wood and glue one end to another piece to test this. you'll split the wood before the glue breaks:D
got wake? said:
no need to. screws, brad nails, staples only hold the box together till the glue dries. a good wood glue is stonger than the wood itself;) you can take 2 pieces of wood and glue one end to another piece to test this. you'll split the wood before the glue breaks:D

What kind of glue works to hold MDF together.. that s*** is a little different than wood..
parks853 said:
What kind of glue works to hold MDF together.. that s*** is a little different than wood..

i usually use elmers probond. they've got a gel formula that doesn't run as much;) or if it needs to be a super strong box, i'll use elmers ultimate glue, which is a polyurethane glue, like gorilla glue, but is less expensive. the downside to the poly glues is that it foams up and expands, so that has to be sanded down. and you also have to wear gloves with it, cause if you get it on your sking, plan on it being there for like a week:( yeah, i found out the hard way the first time i used it;)
also, as it says on the page, those photos were taken when the box was temporarily screwed together. so it only had a couple screws max on each joint so i could drill some pilot holes. there are about 4x as many screws in it now, and lots of glue on ever connection. wake is right about the glue, it's way stronger than the wood, but i like to have some screws in there to make sure everything is straight and even.
If you haven't cut the holes yet, consider putting the subs slightly off center from the middle of each side of the enclosure. If you put them dead in the middle of your airspace you can get some nasty standing waves inside the box. Not likely you'd hear a big difference, but it's something I've been told to do for many years.

As for a covering, how bout wrapping that box in some of that silk sheet material? :D
MrDiggler said:
If you haven't cut the holes yet, consider putting the subs slightly off center from the middle of each side of the enclosure. If you put them dead in the middle of your airspace you can get some nasty standing waves inside the box. Not likely you'd hear a big difference, but it's something I've been told to do for many years.

As for a covering, how bout wrapping that box in some of that silk sheet material? :D

nope, no standing waves. it's damn near impossible to get them in the cabin of the car, let alone in the enclosure. the enclosure space is so small it's physically impossible to generate standing waves. that was a common myth that i used to believe back in the day;)

the probond glue is rather cheap, and works great:D you still need to use screws, brads, staples, etc to hold the box together while the glue dries;)
MrDiggler said:
As for a covering, how bout wrapping that box in some of that silk sheet material? :D
A nice idea, but i'm afraid silk is just to expensive to use for covering anything besides hott naked chicks :D