Phen's China Adventure

THE Phen

2013 Abarth, 2004 MSM - FM, '74 BMW Bavaria, 97 Civic EX B18C1
Ok folks, so here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to give you a day by day update as to what I've been doing while here. Since it's been a few days since I arrived, I'll start at the beginning.

Aug 23: Caught a flight from Cleveland -Hopkins airport to Newark, NJ. Cleveland begins serving alcohol at 5am. This is an awesome fact. Newark begins at 9am. This sucked. Got on my flight from Newark to Beijing at about noon. Didn't get off the plane until about... 1:45-2:00pm, Beijing time. 13.5 hour plane flight. But, I will say that free booze in business class is awesome.

Aug 24: Arrived in Beijing. Was driven to the Pullman hotel in West Wanda. Very nice 5 star hotel. Less than $100 / night.

Aug 25: Was picked up at the hotel and driven to my apartment that I'll be staying in for the next few months. Visited my office and met a few coworkers. Went to Sams Club to buy food and supplies for my apartment. Bought a case of Yangjing beer for about $8. Sweet!

Aug 26: First full day at work. Began reading specifications and went to lunch with the project manager, and program manager, as well as two of our customers from Vietnam. Received an email a little bit ago that they're taking us out to dinner today too. Sweet!

Aug 27: So, today started as a regular day, walking the half mile to the office, doing some reading, some catching up on emails and such. Getting stuff ready for next week. Mid-morning, Raymond comes in and takes me and Roger on a plant tour. Let me just say... if you've never seen a factory that builds coal boilers, it's a serious wakeup call. This place is fugging huge. After our tour, went to lunch. Then back to the office to do some more reading.

Tonight we went out to a traditional Beijing family restaurant as a welcome dinner for me. Seriously...this food is amazing. Everything I've had (well, almost) I've liked. Aside from mushrooms. I still can't stand mushrooms. I've tried.

Aug 28: We went golfing at Beijing Country Club. Holy s*** is that place nice. So, we golfed 27 holes. They give you a cute Chinese girl as a caddy. They know just enough English to ask what club you want, give you suggestions, whatever. Anyway, so we golfed, and if you make a bad shot, those caddies will search and search and search until they find your ball. I would have given up on a couple of them. I thought one was going to go into the water to find it. No BS. After all of the golfing (you walk), we tipped the caddies 100 RMB (about $15) grabbed a sandwich, and we were on our way. By the time we got back to the apartments, I was so damn tired from the golfing that I took a nice shower, sat down on the couch, and passed out for about 2 hours. Woke up, made some dinner, watched a little TV, walked around the compound and went to bed.
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Nice...have fun! Will you get to tour around? Make sure you go to the south (HK, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, etc)...completely different.

If you want beer, there are many good Chinese beers (ZhuJiang, Tsingtao, Harbin, etc). 600ml tsingtao should be about 50 cents USD.

How long are you there for and what do you do? I would love to work out there!

Also, take note of the cars there: the tax is around 100%, so a 5 series BMW is like $100k!
Dang, if only beer were that cheap here (drinks). The flight there probably won't be as bad as the flight back, assuming your flight goes east. I went to Cali, and with the time difference, coming home was like 10 hour time difference after we left haha. I've never done business class. I bet your ticket was pretty expensive. When I went to LA flying coach, both ways I got stuck sitting in the Emergency Exit row, and the seats didn't recline!!!!!!!!! haha try sleeping sitting straight up.
Thanks for the updates, hopefully you will have time to check out the city.....enjoy and make the most of the opportunity, (I know you will)and we'll see you soon!!
Ok so yesterday, we went to Peking Duck for dinner. *******. Awesome. Managed to out drink a couple Vietnamese guys that were with us too. Tehehehe.

I've only had the Yangjing beer. I bought a case of it for like... $8 or something silly like that. I think it was the same price as my case of Coke.

No tours of the city yet. That will wait for this weekend. I think I'm going golfing tomorrow. Should be fun.
Oh, here you guys go. A couple of attachments. Here's one showing my daily walk, and one showing how close I am to the one Olympic Stadium.


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Ok so yesterday, we went to Peking Duck for dinner. *******. Awesome. Managed to out drink a couple Vietnamese guys that were with us too. Tehehehe.

I've only had the Yangjing beer. I bought a case of it for like... $8 or something silly like that. I think it was the same price as my case of Coke.

No tours of the city yet. That will wait for this weekend. I think I'm going golfing tomorrow. Should be fun.

Peking duck is awesome...
What floor are you in the apartment? I remember our guide telling us they didn't put elevators in unless it had more than 10 floors.... That's a pretty decent workout to haul groceries up that...
I'm on the 3rd floor. There are 4 in the building. The apartment is a really cool layout. I have two balconies.
Probably later when I get back to the apartment. I can't host them anywhere yet because it's blocked.
Aug 27:

So, today started as a regular day, walking the half mile to the office, doing some reading, some catching up on emails and such. Getting stuff ready for next week. Mid-morning, Raymond comes in and takes me and Roger on a plant tour. Let me just say... if you've never seen a factory that builds coal boilers, it's a serious wakeup call. This place is fugging huge. After our tour, went to lunch. Then back to the office to do some more reading.

Tonight we went out to a traditional Beijing family restaurant as a welcome dinner for me. Seriously...this food is amazing. Everything I've had (well, almost) I've liked. Aside from mushrooms. I still can't stand mushrooms. I've tried.
any places around there do the Hot Pot thing? Saw that on Anthony Bourdain and it looked awesome.
You need to take pictures of the food. Some of us foodies want to live vicariously through you. :D
Ok, here's a nearby apartment to my apartment.



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