Oil Temp


Mazda, Protege5
I currently have an autometer oil temp gauge with the sender mounted in a block adapter. During normal driving the oil temp hit 230 degrees. I called autometer 2 times and got two different answers. The 1st person I talked to said that it was not meant to be mounted in any place other than the oil pan. The 2nd person I spoke to said that it did not matter and that it could be mounted in the block adapter. I checked the gauge calibration with a 65 ohm resister. Which, per autometer will cause the gauge to read 250 degrees. Does anybody else have a oil temp gauge? If so, during normal driving what does your gauge show? Is it in the oil pan or block adapter? Also, does anybody know the normal operating oil temp for our cars?

Ya, mine is mounted in the pan, about an inch to 2 inches fron the bottom. (So it's always sitting in the oil.) I took the pan off to drill into it as you don't want all those metal shavings in your engine. My oil temp is usually around 180-210 for city driving, but at the track I'll peg the gauge past 250 after a few auto-x runs. As long as you're running a good synthetic oil, you should be good all the way past 300.