North Florida

ill start looking into arranging something. id like to have more people then what we had last time tho.
that sounds cool with me. probably somewhere off of 17, but Pro knows that area better than me. what kinda of timeframes are we looking at? anybody prefer pre-thanksgiving or after? Anytime is good for me.
id prefer after... and if you do get everything worked out and post a new thread some people may drive up and what not. Let me know whats goes down
alright after thanksgiving sounds good to me too...maybe first or 2nd weekend of december. ill take my next 2 days i have off to look online for a good place we could meet up at.
hey so i just thought of 2 places we could meet at ......the metropolitan park in downtown jacksonville, which has a picnic area and stuff, or at cecil field which is a closed down navy base there doing stuff to and also has a picnic area. so now that ive thought of that im up for planing something, so lets figure a date.
Either place is good for me too, however, it we do it at metro park we have to look out for what other events may be there... if there is something big the same day they might want to try to charge us for parking or something
hey whats up i might be able to go with ample notice im bout 2 hrs away in pensacola i dont have a p5 but id be interested to bulls*** and just hangout
SkinnyJoint said:
hey whats up i might be able to go with ample notice im bout 2 hrs away in pensacola i dont have a p5 but id be interested to bulls*** and just hangout
Sure, why the heck not, the more the merrier!
im in bradenton, fl south of tampa.....
got a mainly stcok MP5 but im startin to work on it after december

i'd be interrested in going to a meet if ya had i can get some ideas and info from other owners...
I think we are shootin for the 1st or 2nd weekend of December. Now that Thanksgiving is out of the way we can start deciding on exactly when we want to have it. Ideas anyone?
hmmm, yea my schedule sux working 2 jobs im off every other weekend so 345 im off then work that next weekend then off 17 18 and 19 so yea im not sure bout cc just throw somthign up in advance ill take a lil time off
Since the last 2 weeks are taken with Christmas and New years, maybe we oughta wait until January. 2 weeks to set up something is not much time. I think there is an Orlando meet coming up in January, but no time frame. Will need to work around that meet I think.
what do u guys think about saturday december 18th? Metropolitan park looks like the best place. they have a pavilion and picnicing area and i dont think wed be to far from our car.
I have a Christmas party for my wife's work the night before. I can make it, but not really early. What time? You may want to start a new thread for this, so more people see it.