New owner (maybe?) + Recall Notice!?

No loaner for me. I feel a WHOLE lot better with my CX-5 sitting in its nice warm, dry garage every night than stuck in the back of a crowded dealers lot, being moved around whenever and subject to door dings. and whatever
One million CX-5 had been constructed last May (almost a year ago), so just for the sake of simplifying things, let's say we have one million CX-5 on the road with an average of 20k miles on them (older models will have more, newer will have less). That means that there has been 20 billion miles driven in CX-5s with not a single incident. So as it stands right now, assuming that the very next mile driven in any CX-5 anywhere in the world results in death or injury because of this, you still have one chance in 20 billion of hurting you kid by driving him/her to school or to the groceries. And since I doubt the next mile driven by a CX-5 will result in death or injury, these odds actually are getting better in your favor with each passing minute that goes by from the moment I post this!

Thanks for breaking it out so logically. However, if history is a good guide, there will still be some people who this scares, regardless of the numbers you provided.

Another way to look at it:

Would you be worried about getting into a car older than 2011 and only meeting the crash fuel spillage standards in place between 1970's and 2011 (but not meeting current standards)?
I hear both sides of this (my dealer negged me..was told to sit tight-thanks jackass) but then corporate confirmed the later 2014s were impacted, not mine.. While I tend to agree the real world risk here based on what we know is very very small- but for those carting around their kids (like me)- what if? What if you knew, chose to continue driving (let's say in snow) it is winter after all- with your Dunlop winter tires mounted (you don't get snow days) and some a-hole in a subaru (because they're so awesome in the snow) with crappy worn out no season tires bears down on you @40mph happens to look up from his phone- you're sitting at a light with cars in front of you so can't move out of the way- smokes you @30 from behind and what Mazda said could happen does- you make it out- barely but your kid(s) don't, what if? How many of you put $/time into getting/checking/redeeming that billion dollar powerball? Much better chance of this happening I'll bet- its worth bringing it in my opinion. There's a million what ifs in life but people win lotteries every day too- why not take this one out the equation if you can?
i just purchased a 2016.5 GT on 1/30, and called the mazda USA right now as i was concerned about the safety issue. They said, it is OK to drive the car and they have not encountered a single fire because of the issue in a million + cars. . the dealers will get the part in couple of weeks at which time we need to get it fixed. I asked, should i stop driving and they said, is perfectly OK to drive.,

got a reference number for the conversation
I don't understand why some of you are complaining? Just to complain? No one said anyone has to get this fixed, but this IS a thread about a recall and it's being discussed as such. No one is freaking out about it that I can tell. It's just being discussed and information is being relayed as it's becoming available. I feel if you don't care about it or aren't worried then there is no reason to comment. If someone doesn't want to drive it until they get it fixed how does that affect you? It doesn't.

I called my dealer and asked what they know. Not much other that a week and a half until they get parts and start notifications via mail and email. No word about a loaner but they've been good to me so far.
I took my car in to get the vibrating mirror fixed on my 2014 GT, and the dealership told me about this recall. Informing me that I shouldn't drive it home till the recall is fixed. So they gave me a loaner which Mazda will pay for. I wasn't given a timeframe on when the fix will happen, but hopefully soon.
Which dealer did you take it too? I live in the north suburbs.
Oh geeze, I'm reading all these comments regarding it might be weeks before they get the necessary parts in. This is truly upsetting as I was suppose to take my car two days ago. If they said the cars are fine to drive, why couldn't I pick up my car?

Would it be farfetched for Mazda to do something nice for the consumers that are in the same boat as me?
Well, Just got off the phone with Mazda. Heres what I was told.

Car is safe to drive but if I'm not comfortable doing so they would provide me a loaner.

Fix will involve modifying the fuel filler assembly to add more flexibility

Repair kits will be allocated toward fixing dealers inventory cars first. Our cars second

Might be 2 weeks to 2 months before all customer cars are fixed.
How many of you put $/time into getting/checking/redeeming that billion dollar powerball? Much better chance of this happening I'll bet- its worth bringing it in my opinion.

Actually, the powerball was about one chance in about 200 million. As I said this is at least one in 20 billion (probably even less). That's a 100 times better chance of winning the billion $ powerball for those keeping track...
Maybe it's already been said but..
There are so many examples of Auto makers who resist recalls until the NHTSA forces them to...examples like the VW "Clean Diesel fiasco" and Honda and others knowing about the Takata deadly AirBag bolt situation all the way back in 2004 and denying it...that I quite frankly find it refreshing when:
An automaker finds a "potential" problem and pulls the whole line in to fix it...BEFORE anyone gets fires or injuries have been reported...
I'm not sure why some folks are running around like it's the End of Days..unless of course there's something we're not hearing or seeing yet...
I, quite frankly don't even want to bring it in to get it fixed because I just like driving it..
There's just something about instantaneous news that gets people bent out of shape.
Don't intent to offend anyone that's bent out of shape about this..
i just don't get "it's the end of the world" about this issue..
am I making a molehill out of a mountain here?
292.2M:1 actually and the way you arrived at one in 20 billion is just silly (the first 18 or so months of production don't have this issue and how is each mile driven 1 chance- I drive 100 miles/day so I guess my daily odds would be a bit better) but whatever 20 billion:1 you win. I was just trying to make a point that despite enormous odds people were lining up (literally waiting on lines) throwing time and money at something they had almost no chance at winning but those same people will mock others for being fearful of similar long odds when lives could be at stake you have the knowledge and (free) option to prevent an issue that came to light? The odds could be 100 trillion to one if you're that one super unlucky righteous asshole and your kids are dead you can always tell your wife the odds were worse than hitting powerball twice in a week- you're still never seeing her naked again I promise.
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292.2M:1 actually and the way you arrived at one in 20 billion is just silly (the first 18 or so months of production don't have this issue and how is each mile driven 1 chance- I drive 100 miles/day so I guess my daily odds would be a bit better) but whatever 20 billion:1 you win. I was just trying to make a point that despite enormous odds people were lining up (literally waiting on lines) throwing time and money at something they had almost no chance at winning but those same people will mock others for being fearful of similar long odds when lives could be at stake you have the knowledge and (free) option to prevent an issue that came to light? The odds could be 100 trillion to one if you're that one super unlucky righteous asshole and your kids are dead you can always tell your wife the odds were worse than hitting powerball twice in a week- you're still never seeing her naked again I promise.

Frankly, I'd rather have never known about the recall until there was a fix in place, dealers had parts waiting and it was minimal amount of time away from my car. But I can't un-see an post, or un-read an article. The fact that Mazda felt it was a large enough problem/risk to initiate a recall speaks volumes. Maybe, and it's a big maybe, but maybe Mazda has just been lucky that there hasn't been a fire or death related to this yet. Maybe it is a 1 in billion chance or 1 in 100 billion or whatever, but there is still a chance. When it's sunny out with out a cloud in the sky there is 0% chance my children will get stuck by lighting playing outside at a park on the metal jungle gym. When it's dark and stormy and there is lighting in the vicinity there is chance my child could get struck by lighting. The odds are something like 1 in 280,000 of being stuck by lighting so it's still not a very high probability, but you know what... I'm not going to let my children play outside during a lighting storm!!!! Then there is a 0% chance of them being stuck by lighting. I remove what ever small probability there is to keep my loved ones safe.

And I don't think Vroom's calculations are very accurate. They don't take into account all the other vehicles that one could encounter and all the miles that they are traveling in the vicinity of your vehicle as well. So just using random numbers say lets say that driving around with only one other car on the road that will hit you is 1:20billion chance since every mile you drive another opportunity but what about the miles that the other car drives. The more he drives, the more likely he is to run into you. Now multiply that one car by the thousands that probably pass you, get passed by you or cross your path in some way shape or from and the odds of an accident go way way down. In fact the odds of dying in a car accident are 1 in 18,585!

If there is something that I can do to lessen that risk in someway for either myself or my family, I'm going to do it. Like I said, I would have rather not known about the issue or at least not shown the article to my wife. Ignorance is bliss!!! To each their own.
Frankly, I'd rather have never known about the recall until there was a fix in place, dealers had parts waiting and it was minimal amount of time away from my car. But I can't un-see an post, or un-read an article. The fact that Mazda felt it was a large enough problem/risk to initiate a recall speaks volumes. Maybe, and it's a big maybe, but maybe Mazda has just been lucky that there hasn't been a fire or death related to this yet. Maybe it is a 1 in billion chance or 1 in 100 billion or whatever, but there is still a chance. When it's sunny out with out a cloud in the sky there is 0% chance my children will get stuck by lighting playing outside at a park on the metal jungle gym. When it's dark and stormy and there is lighting in the vicinity there is chance my child could get struck by lighting. The odds are something like 1 in 280,000 of being stuck by lighting so it's still not a very high probability, but you know what... I'm not going to let my children play outside during a lighting storm!!!! Then there is a 0% chance of them being stuck by lighting. I remove what ever small probability there is to keep my loved ones safe.

And I don't think Vroom's calculations are very accurate. They don't take into account all the other vehicles that one could encounter and all the miles that they are traveling in the vicinity of your vehicle as well. So just using random numbers say lets say that driving around with only one other car on the road that will hit you is 1:20billion chance since every mile you drive another opportunity but what about the miles that the other car drives. The more he drives, the more likely he is to run into you. Now multiply that one car by the thousands that probably pass you, get passed by you or cross your path in some way shape or from and the odds of an accident go way way down. In fact the odds of dying in a car accident are 1 in 18,585!

If there is something that I can do to lessen that risk in someway for either myself or my family, I'm going to do it. Like I said, I would have rather not known about the issue or at least not shown the article to my wife. Ignorance is bliss!!! To each their own.

Ever heard of a bolt from the blue? You never know...
I am really not sweating this at all. In fact... totally forgot about it for most of the day. Mazda appears to be handling this about as best as any automaker could. The world of engineering isn't perfect and feel pretty good Mazda brought this issue forward themselves.
I hope no one who is worried about their CX-5 getting rear-ended and bursting into flames is obese. Because that's a much more likely way to die. And not just from a heart attack or stroke, obese people increase their chances of being struck by a meteorite! That's because they present a bigger target:

This woman never would have been struck except for her obesity
Think about it...
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I am really not sweating this at all. In fact... totally forgot about it for most of the day.

You must have nerves of steel! Didn't you start sweating it a little bit when it was time to drive home? (wink)

I just got my brand new Mazda CS-5 GT four days ago and I am not really worry about the recall. I know some people that their cars were recalled and never got the cars fixed. I will take it to the dealer when time comes, but I am not in a hurry.
Yeah.. when talking about a recall to really worry about... I had to take my Explorer in just a few years ago because the brake switch embedded into the master cylinder for cruise control deactivation could rupture and cause a direct short and fire. This circuit had power at all times and was recalled because a few vehicles started houses on fire. This one I sweated and kept the vehicle outside for safe measure.

I'd be more nervous if I had a Takata airbag. Rare problem, but its like a shotgun to the face. Horrible.
Yeah, I'll have it done eventually too, probably when I take my car in for my next oil change. I won't be hassling my dealer for a loaner, and I'll be investing all the money I save by not buying lottery tickets for my kids education. I'll spend all the time I save by not going out of my way for this fixing up fruits and vegetables for my kid, which will undoubtedly prolong her life way more than this recall.

All the while, my kid will be protected from lightning while in my CX-5 since the metal body will conduct any strike (from the blue or otherwise) around her! ;)

Ride92, yes my numbers take into account all the cars zooming around you. All those billions of miles driven by CX-5s around the world whithout incident weren't driven on desert roads.