New frontstage coming together.


03.5 Lsr Blue P5
OKay, okay, so I don't really have any pics yet, but here's my latest plans involving a 3-way setup. As many of you know, I got f'd over by elemental. Thatsaid, I'll hopefulyl soon have my CDT-made tweeters and crossovers back (the tweeters that I was quite fond of) as well as the remains of my eD mids to poop on or whathaveyou...

So, I've got part of the equation. Good tweeters, and xovers.

Looking for a midrange setup that i felt would be strong enough quickly got expensive, which is when I turned to partsexpress and found these gems They're 4" midranges designed primarily for hometheater... of course that means they're 8ohm, so what to do? Get 2 pairs of them!!! WIll they sound alright? In all honesty I've got NO clue whatsoever, but fortunately, I'm pretty sure that they ARE indeed the mids used in an infinity center channel speaker that I managed to listen to and relatively liked the sound of. EIther way it should be different and kinda fun. I intend to intially highpass these and my tweeter hooked to my passives at about 400hz.

I've yet to find new midbass's, but hopefully thatmuch'll be happening soon. I'm actually taking a trip over to tour adire and put my ears on some speakers while there. Hopefully I'll come back with a set of Koda 6's to cover the 400-60hz range. These will each get their own channel to play off of. THough if it comes down to it, Iv'e got my 5x7's that are already inmy doors that could play that lower range alright.

Amp-wise, fornow I'll go back to running unbridged with the tsunami so each channel will be getting around 75w, but I intend to up my power to around 150wrms a pop, we'll see how that plays out.

at anyrate, consider this a theoretical preview. Any comments or suggestions are definately appreciated. I can't say I've really seen something like this attempted before, but hopefully it'll work alright. Making these kicks should prove interesting and I'll do my best to document the process.
those say midbass ;)

two things. one those have an 80 watts max. your wanting to feed them 150 watts. be careful with that.

your going to have a super tough time to get speakers imaging properly.
sndsgood said:
those say midbass ;)

two things. one those have an 80 watts max. your wanting to feed them 150 watts. be careful with that.

your going to have a super tough time to get speakers imaging properly.

I'd rather overpower speakers than underpower them ;)
Grab some peerless xls autosound mids... awesome mids with awesome price. some of the best sq systems i've heard utilized custom component systems with names like peerless, vifa, skanning, scanspeak, etc.
jersey_emt_Vacation-Away-Dont-PM said:
I'd rather overpower speakers than underpower them ;)
more chance of blowing them by overpowering them then underpowering. he's close to doubling their max rating.
Well contrary to public belief lately, I can, indeed play nice with speakers. Of course, in light of recent events, the overpowering bit IS indeed one of my worries. I do appreciate the concern. I also figure that using them crossedover higher than their "midbass" designation, that'll give me some more room, and of course I'll likely set them up towhere the most they're getting is about 100wrms w a 0db sinewave. Realistically, I'll more likely than not have the 4's and tweets toned down a bit, and just have a bit of extra power flowing for the midbass (I've rarely felt that I've got enough midbass) But either way, the amp part's likely a ways off anyway.

I'm also a bit curious about how the imaging is going to turn out, but I figure thatWhile it IS indeed a bit tighter than most home setups, a good deal of them are all running a pair of mids flanking a tweeter. I've listened to some of these as close to them as possible, and they still sounded good to me, I do, realize, however that a car is an entirely different environment, but mostly, I guess we'll just have to see how it turns out. I'm going to run a string from about where the highest setting of my seatbelt hanger is, and use it to keep them equidistant. Hopefully that'll suffice. I'll do some listening before I get it all glassed into permanance. I'm not expecting anything legendary, But I've got the oppertunity to play with things a bit, and this really isn't going to cost me a whole hell of alot. If nothing else, I'll make some new speakers for my homestereo with them.

There also is the issue of having the midbass sofar away in the door, which I guess I'll just have to play with. I do have alot of time alignment, and TONS of digital ways to play with things from my deck, I've never really toyed with differential time alignment before, but I guess we'll see how it goes. that E-Iserv thing's pretty damn sweet. I'm not expecting to take care of EVERYTHING digitally, as I'll try to set everything up as best I can the rightway with no digital toying first, but it's definately a nice thing to have.
oh, and asfor the peerless speakers, I haven't found XLS autosound woofers, only home-designed 8ohms and only in 10"+ the only ones I can find that'd be applicable are the CSC-X line. From here Do they make an XLS 6, or possibly 8 in 4ohm??? I think that'd be my ticket. not that the csc is exactly bad. However, I can wait on the midbass's really. I can just keep using my 6x8's for that duty at the moment.
Would, but there's 2 problems. one is 8ohm. I'm only running one perside, and I want to get as much power to them as possible.

The other, of course, is price. I'm trying tokeep it down as much as possible, especially seeingas I'm not even allthat sure I'm too serious about this. If it wind sup to be somethign cool, I don't mind dropping a buck, butifnot, I'd rather waste less money experimenting.
ah, very understandable... how much power do you pan on pushing total to each side?
Poseur said:
tweeters+ 4"midranges-~100wrms
6="midbass ~150wrms

Good luck w/ your set up! Take lots of pics :) I think you will definitely benefit from time-alignment, if you have your midbass in different places from your midrange, but then again, start "natural" and tweak later.

Looks like you have frequency response charts for both the Kodas and the midranges, so that should, I think, greatly help you in planning out your crossover points and such.

I have pretty much decided that my next speaker upgrade will be the Adire Kodas component system. If I saw that $280 shipped sale that one of their vendors was having, I would've grabbed them instead of the eDis.

I'm a believer in the fewer speakers the better. This comes from drop-dead-gorgeous-sounding two-way speakers I've listened to in home audio environments. Unfortunately, in the car audio world, you often have to add a subwoofer for bass, but oh well.
yea, Normally I wouldn't be a fan of complicating things as much, but. umm, I dunno. Mostly I'm just really curious to see how this'll turnout. That, and fitting oversized 6's in kicks was seeming to be sorta tricky, not to mention that it's detrimental to midbass responce.

Prettymuch I'm shooting to get decent imaging and still be able to play down to atleast 60hz upfront, ifnot lower.
hmm... yeah sorry i was thinking of their xls woofer rather than the mid. what i ment to say was csx woofer. sorry. it would be awesome to have an xls mid. that would really rock.
home systems with two midranges also usually have all 3 speakers on a single plane, wich is allot harder to do in a car best bet for your midbass if you have the ability to adjust crossover frequeqncies on the fly, is to get the mids and highs roughed in, and find out how low you can get the mids to play accurately to. if you get the midbass to play a lower responce, that will make it less recognisable. wich will make it easier to aim.