NEMOC Random BS Thread

Oh bruce just saw your post about the car sorry man! [emoji20] is it something you'll get repaired ?

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Copy and paste from a FB update I made yesterday. Spent the morning driving an F2000 car on Pocono North course. $525 for 40 minutes. Totally worth it.

So that was totally awesome.

Bertil Roos, only a 1/2 day school, but totally worth the time and money. I had mostly signed up for it to experience an F2000 car, so that when ever I go for a racing school in the future I have a good grasp of what driving an F2000 (popular choice for race schools) is like compared to the MX-5 (which is the other popular choice for race schools. I own one, so I wanted to experience the other.

Going into it, I wasn't very nervous about the track, or the car. I know I'm good enough that neither was going to specifically cause me problems ... which is contrary to what the instructors tell you. Lots of talk about the wildly different environment and overload probably applies to most of the other guys there, but track time under my belt kept that at bay. My most nervous point was that the cars have an UN-syncronized transmission. For the non-car people, that means that shifting can only happen with proper rev matching. Don't get it right, and there is just lots and lots and lots of gear grinding.

I get to the school, get my loaner race suit, have my helmet checked out as valid, and wait for the initial class to start. The first question asked by the instructor was expected... "Who has had track time?" Two of us raised our hands, out of 18. 16 complete newbies. Still, you never know. The other guy with track time had done a few 1/2 day schools with them, so knew the F2000 pretty well already. (he ended up in the other group)

The class was pretty basic, weight transfer, braking, apexing, etc... But done very well. If I was a complete beginner, I would have found it extremely helpful. It's always interesting to hear how different people describe it all though, you never know when someone has a hidden nugget that comes out when told a certain way.

We all pose for the obligatory photos, which they say is for efficiency of the program, but I'm sure is more just trying to get you to buy them later. I already had paid to get a video session and the photo pack, so maybe their tactics won't work on me.... or something.

Then we hop in the cars, they get all excited when I tell them to go ahead and really haul on the harness super tight. I guess they don't get that much. I have an idea of the G-force I'll be feeling, and I definitely DON'T want to be moving around and trying to brace myself. Someone might have been paying attention, because they give me the first car in line, first out on track, first session ... which of course had a dead battery. They roll another car out to the front and I hop in, still front of the line, and they repeat the harness tightening.

So I start to get going... and find that I can't find 1st gear. The shifter is only about 2 inches tall, with about an inch per side of the 'square' formed by the 4 speed H-pattern box. So at first not much power going anywhere except out the exhaust pipe. I finally find 1st gear ... and stall it. Because the clutch feels like an on-off switch, but is actually more like a nuclear dimming switch. It's doing all sorts of engaging when you think it's off, and then it's suddenly telling you that it's now on in a way that is impossible to miss. So I realize what is going on, re-start it, and just barely lift the clutch pedal and the car starts rolling. I clear the pit road cones, and I'm looking into NASCAR Turn 3 banking from behind the wheel of a formula car. I start grinning rather widely, which is restricted only by the sides of my helmet.

I then notice that while they said our lap timers would be turned off since lap times aren't something they want us paying attention to, my lap timer is on. Probably because of grabbing the backup car. My first lap I take it really easy. I can't really feel out the car at that speed, because like any other formula car, it's designed to go fast. It doesn't -work- when going slow. It's something difficult to explain to people that don't at least follow some sort of racing. It's like trying to fly a plane at 30mph. It just doesn't work. Still, bone cold tires and fluids in a car radically different from anything else I've ever driven, so I still take it easy. Parade lap basically, I didn't even touch full throttle. Lap timer said I did a 1min 20sec lap, 1.3 mile course.

I pick it up and immediately start getting into the rythmn of the car, and drop straight down into the 1:13s... after a stop off in the pits for a mechanic to tighten down the mirrors, which had rattled their way for a cloudspotter's view of the sky. I'm getting a solid feel for the car now though. Talk about raw and wriggling (looking at you Golum). The engine is a carbureted Ford 2.0L 4 cylinder, making a claimed 125hp. It is straight piped about 18 inches of exhaust, about 3 feet behind me. The car is about 1,200lbs without driver. It has 225 width mud and snow tires on. But between the aero and the weight, they are still good for 1.4 lateral Gs.

There isn't any part of the suspension or drivetrain that has rubber mounting. The steering isn't power, it isn't even a modern rack and pinion. It's a go-kart's steering rack. A lever on the end of a stick. The engine is shaking and vibrating the car, the track surface comes through the steering wheel like you were literally brushing your finger tips across it. And the steering wheel is only about 8 inches across. REALLY small. The front wheels that look so small on my Miata (just about the same size), look really really big when you are on eye level with them. As the speed comes up, the wind buffeting your helmet gets pretty intense, adding a whole new dimension to everything. The car feels better and better as the speeds increase though, you can really feel the aero taking effect. Weight transfer is far more subtle, and FAR more effective than any road car i've driven. You can totally change the behavior of the car with minor steering, throttle, or brake inputs. That was probably the most dramatic part about it. My iRacing time with it's F2000 paid dividends I think, as my reflexes to catch the car were correct when it would start to lose a corner.

Then I start finding all sorts of traffic. Other guys are spinning regularly it seems. It takes till near the end of the session before I can get another semi-clean lap, and clock a 1:12 as my lowest. Checkered comes out and I pull in.

I hop out, help the group 2 driver into the car, and head to the classroom for a debrief. Nothing special, it's only a 2 session half day, so they aren't trying to turn us into pros with 20 minutes of track time.

Group 2 finishes, and I hop in for my 2nd session. I notice the lap timer has the fastest time for the group 2 driver in the car, 1:25. Well, i couldn't leave ALL my ego at the gate...
Back out for the 2nd session, and I clock a 1:13 on my out lap, 1:10 on my 2nd lap, deal with some traffic for a couple laps, then immediately start reeling off 1:09s. I get called in with a black flag at one point for clipping a cone, which I had noticed in my mirror sailing skyward. Back out and romping on it. It wasn't a competition. In both senses of the word. I was just focused on improving my braking points, my line, etc... but it was incredibly obvious that I was hugely faster than anyone else in my group. I'd be reeling in people constantly, some I passed multiple times in the 20 minute session. 1:09.36 was my best time. Probably still a few seconds left on the table.

By the end of the 2nd session, I was pretty happy with how I was already able to start leveraging the weight transfer to improve line and increase corner speed.

I'll have the 2nd session video and some photos at some point, probably sometime later this week.

Overall, I got my answer. Formula cars are far more inline with my driving style and I'd definitely pick them. smile emoticon Awesome day. I need to work out some different muscles though. The main group being my neck muscles. Sustained lateral Gs with a helmet on sure does take a toll on them. Tomorrow will tell what other muscles I was really using. I definitely recommend it. Incredible experience.

Driving home, the Miata felt HUGE.
Oh bruce just saw your post about the car sorry man! [emoji20] is it something you'll get repaired ?

Oh yes, will get some estimates next week and see. Still hurts every time I look at it.

Nice Mike, sounds like a lot of fun.

Starting to do some work on the car. Changed the oil and swapped the tires from side to side which involved removing them from the rim and turning them over and rebalancing.

Still need to change the brake fluid and replace the pads before autox and lapping start next month.

I would hope the roads are better by the Fall but I'm not holding my breath. Sorry to hear about the car Bruce. Will it just be some PDR to get them out or require more work? How well does swapping tires from side to side help with tread life? I've never thought about doing this, I just rotate them from front to rear from season to season.

Mike, that does sound like fun.

*edit - Thoughts on this?
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It won't hold up to lawsuits.

In the book world...
The trademark example would a brand publishing the book
The copyright would prevent someone else from making copies
The intellectual property would prevent someone else from selling or claiming credit for the contents of the book

There is no law that prevents someone from buying a book, ripping out a chapter, and making notations all over it.

The OEs already have legal copyright on the contents of the ECUs, but that does NOT mean that they have any right over something that they aren't even selling... which is what the ECUs become when someone modifies them. What they are trying to do is basically the equivalent of all book publishers becoming libraries, where you don't buy the book from them for $19.99, you rent it for life for $19.99, and you aren't allowed to alter it in any way because it's not your property.

It's really just a counter to the Right to Repair haggling that has been going on in the courts for a while. Auto makers want people to come to the dealerships for the cash cow that it is, and don't want independant shops existing. I'd be shocked if such a rule would hold up in the supreme court when it gets challenged, and it will if it is passed.
Just being cheap Jeff.

Because of the camber, they wear a little on the inside. So I've moved them from side to side. But because they are directional, you need to dismount them and reinstall and balance. Not cheaper if you have to take them to a tire shop but thru our Miata club I get access to a real garage with mounting and balancing equipment.
Morning, just got back from an awesome two weeks off, hit up a classic car dealer/museum in Venice FL. Had some really great restored .sports and muscle cars from several eras. Have start working on the MSM this weekend, much to do! I'll see if there is any interest in a mod/spring cleaning day and maybe set up a date. Not many active folks left, but I can see a handful of peeps showing up. I know jeffy will prob come even though he's got the longest commute! [emoji4]

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My new stress ball

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gone but not forgotten...actually the motor lives to boost another day! ;)

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Nice Mark, sounds like a great trip.

So work wants me to start a week early, actually they wanted me to start the past Thursday but said I couldn't. So need to get the rig restocked and cleaned and moved this weekend so I can start Monday. Will have to camp out at Walmart from Sunday to Friday and then move the rig to the site Friday after work.

So much for a relaxing weekend but looking forward to going back to work.
Good morning! Just got home a little while ago from work. Worked the last two nights until 11:30 and tired but now that I've showered I got that second wind and will be up for another hour or two. At least I'm off tomorrow.

It won't hold up to lawsuits.

In the book world...
The trademark example would a brand publishing the book
The copyright would prevent someone else from making copies
The intellectual property would prevent someone else from selling or claiming credit for the contents of the book

There is no law that prevents someone from buying a book, ripping out a chapter, and making notations all over it.

The OEs already have legal copyright on the contents of the ECUs, but that does NOT mean that they have any right over something that they aren't even selling... which is what the ECUs become when someone modifies them. What they are trying to do is basically the equivalent of all book publishers becoming libraries, where you don't buy the book from them for $19.99, you rent it for life for $19.99, and you aren't allowed to alter it in any way because it's not your property.

It's really just a counter to the Right to Repair haggling that has been going on in the courts for a while. Auto makers want people to come to the dealerships for the cash cow that it is, and don't want independant shops existing. I'd be shocked if such a rule would hold up in the supreme court when it gets challenged, and it will if it is passed.

I agree, just another way for them to try and get you to use the dealership. I can't see it ever getting passed.

Just being cheap Jeff.

Because of the camber, they wear a little on the inside. So I've moved them from side to side. But because they are directional, you need to dismount them and reinstall and balance. Not cheaper if you have to take them to a tire shop but thru our Miata club I get access to a real garage with mounting and balancing equipment.

I see. I don't run that camber like you crazy kids so I should be good. :p That's nice that your club has access to a garage with the equipment.

Morning, just got back from an awesome two weeks off, hit up a classic car dealer/museum in Venice FL. Had some really great restored .sports and muscle cars from several eras. Have start working on the MSM this weekend, much to do! I'll see if there is any interest in a mod/spring cleaning day and maybe set up a date. Not many active folks left, but I can see a handful of peeps showing up. I know jeffy will prob come even though he's got the longest commute! [emoji4]

Sounds like a great trip. So what do you have in store for the MSM? You know I'll be there is scheduling permits, I'm always up for a drive up North. :)

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so, spring cleaning meet, thougts on dates??
dates: 5/9, 5/16, 5/23

9th (prom) and 16th (date night....20yrs with Tam - well on the 20th) are out for me. Still waiting on the May schedule for work so I may have to work the 23rd?

Nice Mark, sounds like a great trip.

So work wants me to start a week early, actually they wanted me to start the past Thursday but said I couldn't. So need to get the rig restocked and cleaned and moved this weekend so I can start Monday. Will have to camp out at Walmart from Sunday to Friday and then move the rig to the site Friday after work.

So much for a relaxing weekend but looking forward to going back to work.

You'll have plenty of time to relax at the beach over Winter, time to make that mod money.

She's out!
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Woot! She's looking good!
Worked yesterday and today, just like I never left. Pretty beat last night but glad to be back at work. Mary will start Thursday and Friday we move into the park. Another busy weekend but for the better.

Hoping to get the pads and brake fluid changed next week. Senators finally lost so hoping to get an autox schedule soon.
so, spring cleaning meet, thougts on dates??
dates: 5/9, 5/16, 5/23

hello everyone! I actually completely forgot about forums so I've been off for quite a bit! I will be in Seattle on the 9th but I can make the 16th or 23rd. I'm moving out there by August, job or no job, so I'm going out there once a month to network and go on interviews :). Hopefully I get something soon. Very anxious!
So, hey... any of y'all autocrossing w/ the NER SCCA this weekend?

I ask because I'm currently in Mass, and it appears I have this Sunday free. I KNEW I should have brought my camera and helmet with me :D
Good luck on the job hunt Kyle! Maybe you can connect with Chris (if you knew him) if he is still out there? He seems to have gone off the grid. lol

As for the meet, I knew it would happen. I work the 23rd and I work the 30th. Might be able to go on date night the 15th with Tam freeing up the 16th?
Great write up on the open wheel experience 6speed! Sounds like tons of fun. Believe it or not, that simulator experience really puts you ahead of everyone else, and real track time is icing on the cake. I can't believe people were spinning the cars left and right.

The REPU is out and about for the season. Drove it to work today and meeting Oleg for some beers. I've been giving thought to another project though. I just don't know what. I miss the sports car experience. The truck is cool and its utility is great, especially with all the biking I do, but I want something I can romp on. I just don't know what I want...and finding a place for it will be a challenge too...unless its something I don't mind storing outdoors.

Anyway, I thought I'd chime in and mention Amanda and I are heading to Limerock for Memorial Day. I know it's not the big Grand Am, err I mean Tudor yah dah yah dah series, but its usually a nice weekend and we don't have any other plans. Let me know if any of you are planning to go.

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