Need help guys: BAAAD Mazda experience


Let me say, until last week I have been MORE than pleased with my local Mazda dealership(John Finger Mazda). But last week is when the trouble started.

Lets start last week. Took the Mazdaspeed in for its 15k service. Yeah, last time I'll do that again. First, they drained my fresh Amsoil(this was in a previous post) and then they REFUSED to fix ANY of the problems with my car. Rumble in the steering wheel, nope couldn't hear it the first day. 2nd day? Sorry, we don't even know where its coming from. Brakes are warped? No, we couldn't find that either. They "drove" the car and couldn't feel it. Just to have the car come back and the sides of all my tires are gone. I have autocrossed FREQUENTLY over the last 4 years, and I KNOW what this is from.

Well, Saturday we bought a new 6. We dealt down the car, etc etc. Got the $1500 rebate and what was SUPOSED to be the S-Plan. We put down an equal amount of money as the S-Plan. But what do we find out today? Our $1500 check was used INSTEAD of the S-Plan! What the hell?!?!?

I went down to Mazda tonight and was pissed, but I was very calm about this issue. I asked him to please look it over. I was talking FIRM, but I was not YELLING. He then asked me to stop yelling and I said "I'm not". He said "Then I'm calling the police". He then attempted to stop me from getting out of his office by blocking the door. I dodged under his arm and walked out.

I was thinking about trading my car for an RX8 since I just got a pay raise, but there's no way in hell I'll buy from them again. Anyway, I called the Mazda customer service line and they won't give me the number, or even the name of the regional sales manager. I asked to speak to his manager and he hung up on me. I called back, FURIOUS, and asked to speak to the manager, got hung up on again.

This is where I need some help, can anyone tell me the name and number of the regional sales manager for South Carolina?
hold a sign outside that says something like "sells lemons and wont service them" or something. Make sure that you arent on their property though. As long as you are on pblic property they cant do anything.

I would bring this up with Mazda North America...if they even care. I know my dealer beged me to give them a perfect rating. I would raise hell..i always hated talking to dealers...its like talking to a brick wall. Best wishes! If all else fails...civil court
man o man i ******* hate dealerships. If they tried to block me i would throw their fuckng ass out of the way. COmplete and utter BS to the n-teenth degree. **** those fuckers. GOD I HATE DEALERSHIPS!!!

Erm...phisically barring your exit from a room is a felony. I know it's true because Judge Judy said so.
Last year I got a toyota dealer fired because of his attitude. You just got to be persistent, but your situation is worse. This is all I can find. Sorry I dont have more info.
Mazda Motor of America, Inc.
Corporate Headquarters:
Customer Relations Manager
Mazda Motor of America, Inc.
P.O. Box 19734
Irvine, CA 92713-9734
1 (800) 222-5500 (toll free)
MSP2746 said:
Erm...phisically barring your exit from a room is a felony. I know it's true because Judge Judy said so.

(lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) Just get one of your friends to take off their plates stroll into the dealership beat the crap out of the guy then drive away. (naughty)
Yeah persistance is the key...I've heard many stories of people sending letters...lots of them untill the big corporation caved in and gave what they wanted. Persistance and patience...dont let this experice tur n you away form Mazda. Is there another Mazda dealer in town? That may be the reason why they are so competetion.

Why cant North America be like direct fromt he factory. Chrysler/Dodge has the five star rating and they will bend over backwards for you just to keep their rating. Pleasing customers should be there #1 priority if they are serious about business.
Man I'm glad I don't work there. I agree with Hypnotized, report it to the better business bureau.
Did you take delivery of the 6 yet?

You want to get your money back FIRST, call Mazda second. Tell them that you really want to buy another Mazda, but this dealer was so deceptive and mistreated you so badly that you're reporting them to the BBB and considering going with a Nissan or something else because you're reluctant to visit another Mazda dealer.

You'll get nowhere if you just tell them "screw you guys, I'm never buying another Mazda again". They've already lost you as a customer at that point, so there's no point in helping you.

Get your damn money back, though, and don't deal with that dealership for another second.
I'm having it out with the dealer I bought my MSP from. My complaint to the BBB woke them up. Good luck, and consult an attorney. It helps.
I guess persistance is key, but if Mazda NA keeps hanging up on you when you ask for a manager, then you may have a problem. Call the dealer, or have your wife call, and ask them to give you the district person's info. If not, call the BBB and one of the local newstations. Hell, try Channel 9 in Charlotte with Don Griffin: Hope that helps some. Hell, I'd call the BBB and the news channel anyway. Did the police ever show up??
i've dealt with the guys at john finger mazda once before and they were total assholes with me as well. good luck with everything.