my new house mod.... kinda. :)

hehe, the harness is for training. i wanted her to wear it as soon as possible so she wouldnt fuss when i put it on. so far she doenst even know its there.

these are much better alternatives to normal collars. normal ones are not good for bulldogs.
batmang said:
hehe, the harness is for training. i wanted her to wear it as soon as possible so she wouldnt fuss when i put it on. so far she doenst even know its there.

these are much better alternatives to normal collars. normal ones are not good for bulldogs.

Plus they're great for when they ride in the car. There's a strap that fits around the seat belt and then clips to the little D ring on the back of the harness. Keeps them safe in the case of an accident and keeps them from climbing all over the car while driving!
ahaha awesome man, he's cute!! I love that you put him in like a playpen, great idea.
hahah, its dwight in your avatar!!!!!
yeah, the pen is her temporary bedroom. once she learns to go to the bathroom outside, i will let her venture around the house more. im trying to decide if i want to crate train her.

btw, she is a girl yo!
aha she rocks. Jess and I were thinking of getting a cat- since we still live in an apt... But she's allergic and that would just suck... So I think instead we're going to try to get a TV for the bedroom and an xbox 360... I just really have to stretch my $$$.
smp3000 said:
aha she rocks. Jess and I were thinking of getting a cat- since we still live in an apt... But she's allergic and that would just suck... So I think instead we're going to try to get a TV for the bedroom and an xbox 360... I just really have to stretch my $$$.


xbox360 > cat
Definitely crate train her. It gives them a sense of security (their den) and *really* speeds up the potty training process! :)
yeah, i really doubt dogs like sleeping by their own poop and pee. heheh.
I've been meaning to add an update, here is Mollie now.


She's hatching a dog toy! She will be two in Feb.