My First Boston Meet Pics


2006 MS6 wwp
Thanks again for coming guys, it was a great turnout (thumb). It was cool seeing the people I haven't seen in a while, and meeting some of you guys for the first time. Here's a few pics from the meet:






...needs more Lime Rock

j/k...looks like it was a good time. I'm assuming it wasn't 90 degrees there like it was at LRP?
I was thinking the same. Lack of MS6 at LRP was crazy. Now I see where they hide. Lol!
Yeah sorry I didn't make it out there, was working on the truck all day. It is still in pieces in my yard...
...needs more Lime Rock

j/k...looks like it was a good time. I'm assuming it wasn't 90 degrees there like it was at LRP?

Lol, no it was actually nice out... low 80s or so. There's a nice breeze from the water that keeps you comfortbale :).

I was thinking the same. Lack of MS6 at LRP was crazy. Now I see where they hide. Lol!

Shhhhh!! lol

Yeah sorry I didn't make it out there, was working on the truck all day. It is still in pieces in my yard...

NP, we'll catch you next time.

ya i showed up alittle late patty was getting her rims on.

I'm glad you made it up, and it was nice to meet you guys. I didn't realize some of you knew each other well already!