MTV's The Real World


2003 Black Mica Protege5
Guess what?!?!?! I went bowling on Monday night (6-7-04), and since I go there all the time, I always get the same lane. Well, I called the chick to reserve it, and she told me that my lane was taken, but that she'll give me lane 19-20, so I'm like "cool". Well, we get there, and she tells us that lane 19 is taken, but that we can have 20. Guess who was on lane 19? Almost the WHOLE CREW from The Real World!!!! My sis and I signed consent forms to be filmed and we bowled the whole night with them! They were mad cool with us and the cameras were filming almost the whole time!

At the end of the night, one of the girls gave me her number and took mine to call us up if they go bowling again there! It was soooooooo phat!
the one on right now was in san diego...they seemed like a bunch of douche bags...
they was a big police investigation about some girls who supposedly got raped at the house...gotta love the drama.
Well only 1 came out (other 2 were interviewing or something) but she was definitely hot!
Yup! They've been here for 1 month and a half already, and they're done in August!
Definitely! And what sucks is that I went all bummy cause I go every monday just to chill and bowl... and look who shows up! I'm gonna have to go to the alley all nice now just in case!
Yeah, you definitely should look for them! They're mad cool... I didn't worry about anyone stopping me from talking to them or joking around. We were at Boulevard Lanes in the Northeast on Rhawn and the Boulevard.
That's awsome Oli, I go there all the time man. Guess you got your 15 minutes of fame huh?
haha yea i'll second the douche bag comment. I love how a couple of them messed with the police, so they just busted him down and threw them in jail. Gotta love san diego pd.

unwrittenLaw said:
the one on right now was in san diego...they seemed like a bunch of douche bags...
they was a big police investigation about some girls who supposedly got raped at the house...gotta love the drama.
That's cool but I hate how practically all the girls cept Jamie smoked(not cool).I mean Robin is hott but she smoked like a ******' chimney.So...Jamie...(hitit)!!!
Yeah, a few were smoking yesterday, but I don't remember who. I haven't been really watching the Real World much, but as soon as this one airs, I'm gonna have a blank tape ready to catch myself if I get on! They definitely caught me in a few shots talking to them and bowling, so I'm hoping it airs, or EVEN just them mentioning the "guys at the bowling alley", I'd be happy!

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