msp vs. thunderbird


Ok, well i have my msp for about a month and a half now and i am new to this forum. Anyway me and my friend are on our back from the mall trveling north on dale mabuary. I let me friend drive home cause he always begs to drive it. I always tell him not to rag it to bad and keep it under 4500 rpm's. So we pull up to a light and i dont think anything of it. There is red about 95 thunderbird next to us. I didnt even think that my friend and him glanced , but the next thing i know we are hauling and wheels are squeeking. We had a bad launch but then when my freind put it into third we were already about one and half cars ahead goin about 80 and the guy gave up. So i guess its a good kill but i think it was just a v6 with some exsaust. but for my the msp's first race i think it did well.