MS3 Carbon fiber spoiler

okay im taking a Poll to see who would want a carbon fiber spoiler, and im going to send the results so they can began production......

say "yes" if you want one

and NO if you could care less
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say NOOOO, cause i will be the one that ends up giving my car up again to get it mocked up!!!

lol... Fiber Images makes great stuff...

i suggest you delete SU.
id consider it if i can catch any luck with a job soon. oem style?

itd have to be around $250-300 for me to even consider it
Why bother if it's a copy of the one already on our car? The stock one can't be that heavy, so it all comes down to looks? $300 to have a checkered spoiler/wing on your car?

I'll have to say no thanks.

(PS. It's poll, not pole.)
I'm actually not that fond of the MS3 OEM looks to 'shopping cart handle' to me. I'd much rather have an extended version of the regular 3 spoiler or a duck tail style wing.

And I wouldnt get a CF spoiler if my roof wasnt also CF.
okay here are some ideas...





#4 would have me sold

Something like that would be perfect, as said above the OEM copy but in cf would look okay but expensive with minimal function.

Something like #4 would give it a real nice look, provided it doesnt look like its hanging too far off the back of the car.
looking forward to that amazing power increase. getting rid of that heavy, (what, maybe 3-4 lbs) of hp robbing weight. that would be a big NO. sorry, i can think of alot better ways of spending $300.00. maybe some curb feelers or a big, foot print gas pedal. oh and running some neon, and perhaps throw a few stickers of racing web sites and aftermarket crap to appear i'm a hard core road racer. yeh thats the ticket!
I would paint the ends of 1, 3 and 4 to match the body and leave the rest in CF...similar to how they paint the wings on STi's and Evos. That would look pretty hot.