Moving to PQ!!


Hey guys,
I have been offered a job in Farnham, PQ. I am going to need to find a place to live. Just wondering how much it will cost to rent an appartment in Gramby or somewhere near Farnham?? I have been to farmham a few times and it is quite a small town so I don't really want to move there unless I have too. If you guys have any suggestions, I would appreciate it.

Thanks, (canada)
550 for 1 1/2!? where is it located?! or it must be a 1 1/2 the size of a basketball court.. :p
iceman is right, the price should be between 400$ - 600$. depending what are you looking for..
mineroller said:
damn that's cheap..! i wish montreal downtown can have such prices...:)
(yeah in my dreams..)
i pay 550 for a 1 1/2..
oh my god ... expensive (wow)
Thanks guys..I appreciate all the help..Not quite sure what to do. My company wants me to start and terminal in Farnham and run the terminal but moving there by myself really sucks!! I have 2 weeks to decide. :confused:
I will let you guys know. I am french as well so it would'nt be so bad...Again thanks ...
My grandparents pay 1100 for a 3 1/2 in Great Neck New-York. Rents are sickly expensive there. We pay 805 for a 5 1/2 in Ville St-Laurent on the Island of Montreal, today we just signed papers on a offer we are making on a house, now we got 10 days to get a loan.
we used to pay ~700 for a 5 1/2 here in lasalle (2nd floor)

you can get a 3 1/2 around here for maybe 400 to 500, 5 1/2 are more like 600 and + depending on where you are. I'm not sure exactly where Farnham is but i'm sure it'll be less expensive than what you'll find in Montreal
I live in Mcgill ghetto area..the price range here generally goes 550-650 for 1 1/2.
La Cite apartments goes like 800 for 1 1/2..
price downtown generally goes around that far as i know..
(mcgill, concordia, UQAM area..) It's been rising like rent rose from 513 to 530 then to 550 now...shiiiz.
Dont move to Qubec, people here are idiots, at least dont drive when you are in Qubec, trust me it will cost you double your rent in insurance and accidents. can get used to the idiotic drivers here soon enough..
I am from Nova Scotia where every driver is an angel and where pedestrians are God, but after a year or so of driving here I can proudly say I am a quebec driver too.

No but seriously, like mikey said, driving in quebec in general is a lot more dangerous than any other provinces in Canada, and both drivers and pedestrians don't seem to care too much about traffic laws..they stop at red lights all right..but that's about it in terms of obeying rules here.. hehehehe :)
You can make it enjoyable though..I am enjoying quebec very much. Driving too.
Adrenaline-pumping Gran-Turismo actions seen every day.
dont worry, some people manage to even brake the law when it comes to traffic lights, if it werent for me delaying by 5 seconds after my light turned green because I was figuring out how the in dash 6 CD changer works when my car was new this summer. I would have gone straight into this maniac doing at least 80 in a 50 zone burning a light. I started moving a lil bit and slammed the brakes. They still manage to be colour blind. And than you have those soccer moms always on the cell phone either in a van or Lincold Navigator cutting you off everywhere. Oh, brilliant, the other day, this taxi driver was coming from maybe 20 km/h from the fast lane into the midle lane, I was doing around 55-65 km/h he swurved into my lane no signal, I panic brake, I have 3 other ppl in the car, and than 5 seconds later, he goes back onto not the fast lane he was in but the lane to turn left, so two lanes to the left from the midle lane I was in. Brilliant! All that with no signals and lots of swurving motions. Just today this nutcase in a Protege comes into traffic when she cant even see what might be coming at whatever speed, and I almost smashed into the b****, SHE WAS ON THE CELL PHONE EN PLUS TABARNAC. 2 seconds later and I would have hit her 100%. J'EN AI MARD DE L'INCOMPTENCE DES ******* RETARDER MENTAL SUR LES ROUTES ICI AU QUBEC. C'EST RIDICULE!!!!!! Et c'est cause de la majorit que la minorit paye des prix exagr d'assurance et en rparation sur nos vhicules chaque anne, je suis tellement frustr.
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mineroller said: can get used to the idiotic drivers here soon enough..
I am from Nova Scotia where every driver is an angel and where pedestrians are God, but after a year or so of driving here I can proudly say I am a quebec driver too.

No but seriously, like mikey said, driving in quebec in general is a lot more dangerous than any other provinces in Canada, and both drivers and pedestrians don't seem to care too much about traffic laws..they stop at red lights all right..but that's about it in terms of obeying rules here.. hehehehe :)
You can make it enjoyable though..I am enjoying quebec very much. Driving too.
Adrenaline-pumping Gran-Turismo actions seen every day.
If you like that, you should visit a big city in Europe: In Italy, Greece, or France. It's like Quebec but twice the speed.
haha you guys definetely need to go drive in europe like Focus said ... Quebec isnt that bad afterall =)

if you know how to drive and pay attention, at one point, you learn how to predict what other drivers are going to do, including those moms in huge SUVs and taxi drivers. I avoided alot of accidents by keeping my distance ... i dont rely on other people's turning signal to know when they're gona chance lane ... that's plain stupid. If you know you can't trust other drivers, you have to think about what they can do and make sure you're not in their way instead of just driving and complaining when someone cuts you off.

thats how i have never been in a accident, and not even close.
Focus said:
If you like that, you should visit a big city in Europe: In Italy, Greece, or France. It's like Quebec but twice the speed.
I've driven in Europe before, It's more predictable because you never need to slam the brakes that often, ppl dont vut you off at slow speeds way below the limit.
Thanks guys for all the info. I am not worried about the drivers in PQ. I try to be a defensive driver. The insurance prices worry me!! How much are we talking about? I will be living in Farnham not Montreal so I hope that makes a bit of a difference. I decided to take the talks!! Looking forward to seing all those beautiful women (wow). Again thank you, Merci beaucoup!!