Mind your under carriage.

Mazda 5 GT
Just a suggestion to New Mazda5 owners:
- Take a photo of your Mazda5's undercarriage, for inventory of plastic panels fasteners, bolts and other 'service mechanic removable items'.

Come oil change time at the dealership, you'll never know if the service guy
have forgotten to re-attach a panel, a bolt or a rubber fastener. And there is no diagram in the workshop manual to tell them that 'it was there'.

in my case, they missed to re-install 2 plastic fastener for the splash shield.
took a year before I noticed. They said its normal to have 2 holes in there.
I showed them the Mz5 in their display room. And they took the 2 fasteners from their display car and installed it in mine.
I had the same problem but I noticed it right away since I'm looking for things wrong when the car leaves the dealer. My MS3 came back without those clips AND overfilled oil. To top it off the service writer got pissed off at me because I was "dissing" his "best mechanic". He told me those clips are not necessary and I said that isn't even the point. If they came from the factory, they go back unless pre-approved by the owner.
Heh, out techs take them off because it's much easier to remove and install the shield without them there. 7 bolts and it's on the floor!

Yes, mine are missing. And I don't care. :)
I take very good care of my under-carriage

my car's... that's another story
I would sooner park my car in SE Washington with the keys in the ignition than take it to the dealer for an oil change. But thats just me. Nothing beats getting anally raped for a service that any monkey can perform blind-folded, but add the missing fasteners and "customer service" from the techs and you've got an experience i would gladly camp out all night for!
Which clips are these you're referring to??? Are they the plastic phillips screws that snap into the splash guards in the wheel wells??? I ask because after my last oil change I noticed I'm missing one of those...
1. Check out the 'How To' section in this forum' i.e. how to change your oil. there are pictures there. 7 bolts and 2 plastic fastener.. These are removed and reinstalled by the tech changing the oil. eventually a 'smart' service person will decide to improve efficiency by reducing number of bolts and eliminating fastener -- making for faster oil change the next time. lolz.
I would sooner park my car in SE Washington with the keys in the ignition than take it to the dealer for an oil change. But thats just me. Nothing beats getting anally raped for a service that any monkey can perform blind-folded, but add the missing fasteners and "customer service" from the techs and you've got an experience i would gladly camp out all night for!

Some monkeys are pretty dumb, even without blindfolds. Like the guy who brought his 6 in because when he changed his oil he not ONLY ripped the o-ring causing a leak, but was also having tranny troubles because he removed that drain plug too. But only put oil back in the motor.

Some people just need to leave it to the pros. Or they get suckered into buying pre-paid maintainence on their new cars. Free oil changes and tire rotates! W00t!
Damn those monkeys! I agree that some folks should leave their routine maintenance to the pros. Of course I am more than capable of screwing up a simple task myself from time to time. During MY last oil change I succeeded in driving the 5 off the front end of the ramps and buggered up the sill extension on the drivers side. Do-oh! My dad loves to tell the story of the early Olds Toronado owner who came into his shop one Ohio winter day and insisted that the snow tires went on the BACK wheels. After much hair pulling and high blood pressure the gentlemans request was obliged and he was sent on his merry way. My dad always did wonder what that fellow thought of the winter prowess of his Oldsmobile thereafter. LOL
I would sooner park my car in SE Washington with the keys in the ignition than take it to the dealer for an oil change. But thats just me.

That's kinda funny! I grew up and lived most of my life there. Left the keys in the car all the time, but in a couple areas I won't do that. :)
What kind of car was it? LOL JFWY I was thinking like 8th and Euclid St SE when I typed that. You know the murder capitol of the nation part of DC. I grew up in the WASPY suburbs myself but misspent many a night in the city as a teenager.

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