Milllers dunk thread!!

screw that man, i weight270 lbs, you know what kind of crazy a;cohol tolerence i have? fifth of vodka or a twelv e pack (oh man so drunkO
I would rather have a 7-up than drink any Miller products...but it seems to work well for you so ROCK ON!
Last night my wife and I went to a costum party and we went as our friend's neighbors. They live in the only house in the back of a trailer park. My wife who is 8 months pregnant wore a black bra w/ a small wife beater and spandex pants with the belly hanging out and I wore one of her beaters with my gut hanging out and a mullet wig.. To make the costum authentic I drank Busch beer out of the can and she had a black eye. 16 of those gut bombs later and I suffered one of the dumbest hangovers ever.
I wasjs t at my budds hous tosssing temm back. Cant beleev i drank the hole thinggggggggggggggggggggg
lucky bastard, I am in iraq and their is no alcohol besides near beer :( but i did have alot in Italy on my way here!!

I made myself a kamikaze but I'm not trying to get drunk tonight. Might make another, but that's it for me :)
uh, its called Miller's drunk thread because his name is Miller, not because he is drinking Miller. ;) sheesh guyz

i was pretty blasted saturday, 12 bottles of Leinie Berry Weiss and a few Rolling Rocks and I was good to go.

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