Mazda Demio / 2 Advice on coilovers and wheels

Mazda Demio, 2011
I have a Demio which is the Japan version of the 2.

1.Recently I've been told that i might need my coil overs changed/ shock absorbers. Can anyone suggest a good brand for a replacement?

2. Is it worth it upgrading from 14 inch factory weels to 15inch factory or other wheels? I have an idea but at this stage I just want to know if anyone did the change and what there impression on this was.
1. How many km/mi do you currently have on the car? If it's over 110k km/70k mi then odds are you probably need replacement shocks. What do you do with the vehicle? If it's simply a point a to point b car then I would find some factory replacements (fonts are struts and rears are shocks) like KYB/Bilstein B4 etc. If you drive the car for fun and/or track it then I can see coilovers being worth the while.

2. I think this one also depending on the usage of the vehicle. If it's a commuter I say stick with the smaller wheel size so long as the tires can still be had in that size at a good price. If you're tracking the car then I think it depends on the type of track/roads you drive. Keeping a smaller radius wheel/tire setup can have some advantages as far as acceleration however if you can't fit a wider tire on a 14" then maybe 15" wheels allow for the wider tire.
1. How many km/mi do you currently have on the car? If it's over 110k km/70k mi then odds are you probably need replacement shocks. What do you do with the vehicle? If it's simply a point a to point b car then I would find some factory replacements (fonts are struts and rears are shocks) like KYB/Bilstein B4 etc. If you drive the car for fun and/or track it then I can see coilovers being worth the while.

2. I think this one also depending on the usage of the vehicle. If it's a commuter I say stick with the smaller wheel size so long as the tires can still be had in that size at a good price. If you're tracking the car then I think it depends on the type of track/roads you drive. Keeping a smaller radius wheel/tire setup can have some advantages as far as acceleration however if you can't fit a wider tire on a 14" then maybe 15" wheels allow for the wider tire.

I am at 80k now and i need new tires. The car leans a lot more then i would like and the roads most of the times are good, and no track for me. At this stage I am coming to a compromise as yes the new shock would be good and there about 2x75 front and 2x65 rear +180 work by mechanic but putting all of this in consideration + cost of annual check up, ad a new battery a new stereo and i am close to a 1000 and some with other modification that I want. I have a car but i want it to be confortable for the time i drive it for me and my family.

Thanks for the advice, it is good to have another opinion. Tommorrow i will be searching for an alternative, either another car or improve this to its best possible self.

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