Mazda 3 stolen!

Ok... E-mails have been going around about these type of heists.
If you hear anything strange & you are not leaving you garage attached to a house with no public access, just keep driving. Find a police officer cruising around or go to a gas station with high traffic.
Work doesn't let me go to youtube, can comeone give me the name of the video so i can check it ou t on my iPhone???
Yeah that guy is a huge douche. If you hear strange things, you don't normally keep driving, that makes no sense.
Then you'd come on here and say "i heard strange clanking but kept driving, why did my car break?" and get flamed. =P
i dunna know, the way she gets out and looks at the rear of the car....the women i know, and i mean no disrespect, usually drive for 25 miles before checking to see what their dragging...(my family(angel))
That's a very old trick. There was a rash of thefts when I was younger where the thieves would wedge a thick stick or some other object between the ground and the axle of the car. When the driver pulled out they would hear a loud noise and sometimes, depending on the object, feel the car lurch. They would stop and get out to inspect it and the thief jumped in and took off. This was even more effective than the scam in the video because the thief never had to stop to take off the noisy object being dragged behind the car. It also drew no attention to them while they drove off. I don't know about you, but I'd take a second glance at some dude dragging empty gallon jugs behind his car. Might arouse suspicion.
I had an Acura RSX stolen from my driveway and I lived in a HUGE old house with a really long driveway; our camera on the gate caught the car leaving (which is when I noticed the car was gone from the TV on the fridge) but there was no way to see who was driving it, a key was also missing from the hock just inside my door. The thief actually opened my house and took my keys. I was in the kitchen about 60 feet from the door never heard anything. I'm just glad the guy like my car more then murdering me.

And I hear the 3 is easy to break into by kicking or whatever... sucks if I get another car stolen from me I'm going to be upset.