Major &#(%!~ Problem


Mazda CX-7 2007
Last week, leaving work -- I went to un-lock my '07 CX7,(which is only a month and a half old mind you), and the thing was D.O.A. (omg)

I manually unlocked the door, got in and all systems were completely kaput. I had a friend jump me and it fired right up and all seemed well, however the left front HID light was out. I drove it home, and I checked the fusebox under the hood for the light and sure enough it was burnt. I replaced it but nothing happened. So I took it into the dealership and after a week already ----- I am still getting the run-around about how they can't figure it out, how they had to do some un-explained recalls, and how they re-booted the computer several times, etc, etc.

Finally, they told me it was about ready for me to pick up, and they just had to put a new light unit in. Well, as soon as they did ---the light burnt out again! So now they tell me that they have to order a master control cpu unit or whatever for the lighting system and that they are on back-order from Mazda! Which tells me this is probably not an isolated case.

So Caveat Emptor people, to those of you who have had great luck, I wish you the best. And who knows, maybe this will be the biggest problem I ever have myself and the next few years will be smooth sailing.

I should have known better than to break the golden rule of car buying "never buy a vehicle the first year it comes out" --- ala the '84 Corvette. Always wait for the bugs to work themselves out.

Still, it's just sad when you buy a car you really love and it's brand spanking new and breaks down within a month and a half!

Thanks for letting me vent guys, I am very sad CX7 owner right now...

Sorry to here about this I did have the same problem but something simlar along the lines of a "new release model" 95 Cavalier was new release and I had 4 blown head gaskets and was out of warranty well after the recall from GM came out about the flawed head.... I had plenty of back up and it was the only thing that got me blue book when I traded in the POS to the same dealer that sold it to me. This same dealer lied and sold me a used car that was suppose to be a new 99 Grand Am. Long story I sued them and kept the car and was never happy. It finally threw a rod or barring 3 weeks ago.

I swore 3 things never buy American again, never purchase a car without seeing the actual car, and never buy a first year release. I broke the last 2 this time again.... (uhm)

My only advice is if this dealer is not giving you all you need go to another regardless of where you purchased. Document everything and write letters to the Dealer and Mazda about your ON GOING concerns.

Good luck
Sucks to hear about your porblems with your 7 but did they at least giv eyou a loaner?

Sorry to here about this I did have the same problem but something simlar along the lines of a "new release model" 95 Cavalier was new release and I had 4 blown head gaskets and was out of warranty well after the recall from GM came out about the flawed head.... I had plenty of back up and it was the only thing that got me blue book when I traded in the POS to the same dealer that sold it to me. This same dealer lied and sold me a used car that was suppose to be a new 99 Grand Am. Long story I sued them and kept the car and was never happy. It finally threw a rod or barring 3 weeks ago.

I swore 3 things never buy American again, never purchase a car without seeing the actual car, and never buy a first year release. I broke the last 2 this time again.... (uhm)

My only advice is if this dealer is not giving you all you need go to another regardless of where you purchased. Document everything and write letters to the Dealer and Mazda about your ON GOING concerns.

Good luck

Your problem was you purchased a Cavey and a crap am... NONE of my family has ever had any luck with those two cars and both of those cars have been known for issues.
Your problem was you purchased a Cavey and a crap am... NONE of my family has ever had any luck with those two cars and both of those cars have been known for issues.

Well I didn't say I bought none crappy cars. Since I bought them both brand new first year release your statement of "known issues" is kinda mute... I was just giving advice (dunno).
I think it works even on this it could (I sure hope) be a isolated problem. My other problem is I bought from a Dealer that was a crook and a couple years later is at the root of why the no longer have their doors open
The Mazda dealership I bought the car from doesn't have loaners, so I was stuck for a few days with a clown car they got me from Hertz. It was one of those Chevy PT Cruiser-like vehicles, an HHT or something. It was horrible, and like a gold or copper color. After I raised up on the GM, they gave me a new Saturn VUE. But boy after driving that for a week, I really am glad I don't ever buy American. Anyway, I finally got my Mazda back the other day and it seems to be running great. They replaced the battery, replaced the command unit for the lighting system which they said had a short in it, topped off the freon, and did two recall orders from Mazda. I still love this vehicle, it was so nice to have it back --- it just feels more solid and all around better than either of the crap loaners they gave me. From now on, I'm taking it to a large Mazda dealership for any repairs, etc.
