Longest on a tankfull

Effectivement, cela te donne une ide, c'est pas mauvais.

Moi je suis probablement un peu trop maniaque, chaque "virgule" est considre dans mes calculs. Ce que je peux dire aprs plus de trois ans : la P5 est loin d'tre conomique, mais tellement plaisante conduire.

Ma voiture prcdente, une Civic EX 2000, faisait facilement 6.7L/100km...mais c'tait une vritable "barouette" qui ne tenait pas la route. Nous l'utilisons comme voiture familiale maintenant, aucun plaisir la conduire cette merde.

SedanMan said:
A chaque fois que je remplis mon char j'arrte de mettre du gaz ds que le pistolet dclenche. Que ca me coute 46.46$ au lieu de 47$, ca ne me drange pas. C'est sur que le rsultat est pas a 100% prcis mais a donne une bonne ide.
Red Baron said:
Effectivement, cela te donne une ide, c'est pas mauvais.

Moi je suis probablement un peu trop maniaque, chaque "virgule" est considre dans mes calculs. Ce que je peux dire aprs plus de trois ans : la P5 est loin d'tre conomique, mais tellement plaisante conduire.

Ma voiture prcdente, une Civic EX 2000, faisait facilement 6.7L/100km...mais c'tait une vritable "barouette" qui ne tenait pas la route. Nous l'utilisons comme voiture familiale maintenant, aucun plaisir la conduire cette merde.

mais que veux-tu Red Baron...plaisir = $$ ;)
en effet, je suis d'accord avec toi, P5 <> economique.
MAIS P5 = Plaisir :)
621km on 49L of gas is my personal best. That's granny driving in the city, never above 3000rpm, and never taking freeway/highways so avg. speed was about 50-80km/h. Coasting in neutral for stoplights and stop signs.

I average 480-520km daily driving to work (22km round trip) + whatever I do on weekends. I fill up once a week..almost every Monday.
860 Kilometers as the light came on. I drove straight to the next station and filled it with 47 liters of gaz. But as for HOW I do it.. im afraid I cant explain much..

860 is my top score I average around 550..650 kms per tank. Been as low as 300km a couple times.. A 'tank' is from the 'low fuel' light and until the gaz pistol 'pop off' the first time then up to the next round number.. the prize gotta fit my pocket change..lol
I'm a bit sceptical, but if you say you did it... I have no clue on how it is possible 5.47L/100km...43mpg US/51.7mpg Imperial...that's even better than a Civic on the highway at 100km/h on cruise control on the way from Montreal to Toronto (flat) (uhm) .

ES2k3 said:
860 Kilometers as the light came on. I drove straight to the next station and filled it with 47 liters of gaz. But as for HOW I do it.. im afraid I cant explain much..

860 is my top score I average around 550..650 kms per tank. Been as low as 300km a couple times.. A 'tank' is from the 'low fuel' light and until the gaz pistol 'pop off' the first time then up to the next round number.. the prize gotta fit my pocket change..lol
Ths has been done as the very first gaz tank on the car. About midrange on the 3rd tank I drove to the dealer for a 'clickety' noise around the left front wheel. Lucky me it was just a lose nut. The girl asked me about my satisfaction level and such chit-chat then my mileage.. so I answered '860km as the light came on' She gave me a 'huh?' look and promptly told me to get it in the garage for something must be wrong.. Since then the car gets max 550..650 km per tank and is noticebly slower. I remember I could hear some kind of thunder then some interresting rumble and the speed going up quite fast. Now there si nothing like that anymore - its slow as **** and is a real pain to drive around. It suck I hate the car now. Whatever has been done in that garage I want them to do the exact opposite..but they dont know what I am talking about...!!

PS. could it be one of those 'spinning thing' one can install near the air filter? advertised to boost both HP and mileage..? If that is I am ordering a freighter full of them and go play santa!

its for real man, I did 860 km on my first tankfull.. then it sucked... unless I stay below 2500 rpm but with such gearing its goddamn annoying. Anyway the clutch does not engage properly unless shifting above 4000 rpm where it pop in gear perfectly.
SpicyMchaggis said:
At least you guys don't get low 200's like I do for daily driving.

That's miles, right? I hope so cause up here the gas is 1.06$/liter if you drive about 600km a week(which is what I average) then it would cost you (averaging a 45L fillup) about 143$ a week in gas. I'm sure a 5.0 mustang would be cheaper.
1. typical summer city mileage with moderately aggressive driving = 360-380 km
2. as #1 above but with conservative driving (shift before 3500 rpm) = 400-435 km
3. typical summer highway mileage with moderately aggressive driving (~130-140 km/h) = 600 km
4. as #3 above but with conservative driving = s***....that never happens on the highway (LOL)

typically fill up once a week with mileage mainly to and from work and occasional outing.

costs ~ $45 CAN to fill up with 92 octane at the present price, although I have paid as much as $50 CAN a tank once before.

Did it twice!

Now that warmer temps are back, I got 712km and filled it with 54.2L of gas, then did 710 and filled it with 51.8L (always "capfull"). For the last four fill-ups, it's been between 7.3 to 7.6 L/100km.

Not what I expected when I bought the car, but much better than it was.

I'm still using a software from www.linkesoft.com called Automobile on my Palm PDA to monitor the P5.
Red Baron said:
Now that warmer temps are back, I got 712km and filled it with 54.2L of gas, then did 710 and filled it with 51.8L (always "capfull"). For the last four fill-ups, it's been between 7.3 to 7.6 L/100km.

Not what I expected when I bought the car, but much better than it was.

I'm still using a software from www.linkesoft.com called Automobile on my Palm PDA to monitor the P5.

The best I've ever had was 550km... How it did you get 700km...
rizzo said:
The best I've ever had was 550km... How it did you get 700km...

90% highway on cruise at an average of 105km/h, manual tranny, shifts at 3500 max, no a/c, and driving like a farmer in his fields...plus I fill the tank 'till I actually see the gas (capfull), so it's about 5 additionnal litres (more or less). Oh, and that's on 14inch WINTER rubbers (still on the car).

Seriously, I'm very carefull to see how long the thing can go on a tankfull, and I still have to see what it can REALLY yield since I'm too chicken to run 'till it dries completely.

Like I said, it is now much better than it was 2 years ago (rear brakes were seized...didn't know).
put a couple liters in a gas can and run it dry =)

then you can use whats in the can to make it back home
Metal MP5 said:
put a couple liters in a gas can and run it dry =)

then you can use whats in the can to make it back home

Yep, will do it someday, just for fun.
i got 625km out of my car by doing that once going to Quebec city and then to Ottawa (engine break in)
Metal MP5 said:
i got 625km out of my car by doing that once going to Quebec city and then to Ottawa (engine break in)

Mine is so stock, and the way I drive...I get 625+ quite often.
haha yeah well ... Mazdaspeed + a whole bunch of goodies = not so good with mileage lol

i go crazy when i hit 500 hehe ... i got as low as 220 once (180km of highway then 40km of track racing)
WOW! It's a first, after more than 4 years...


Just got 6.75L/100km, that's 34.84mpg US or 41.85mpg IMP. That's the VERY best I've had in almost 4 years!!!! Fuel gauge still showed a bit under 1/4 (poured 47L of fuel in the tank at fill up), not even close to the warning light.

Hot temps do make a difference, careful driving too. And I'm still on winter rubbers, bet mileage would have been even better on summer ones.

If this goes on, I might not want to trade the P5 for a Yaris or a Fit...just yet.