Liquid Platinum on Chrome TSW's

07 CX-7 w/tinted front windows, fog lights, Sirius & turbo badge
I've been lurking around the forums for a while trying to figure out which wheels to go with. I didn't want to go too far towards the "gangster" if you know what I mean, but I wanted something a little more stylish than stock. I'd never purchased wheels for any car I've ever had before so I took a long time deciding. Thanks in no small part to several members of this forum and the pictures they posted of their CX's I finally made a decision last week and got'er done earlier this week. Hope everyone likes...but then again...I like...and isn't that what really matters? No wait...the WIFE likes...and THAT'S what really matters... (dark)

So anyways...

Thanks guys!

Yup, those are Vortexeseses. :)
I appreciate the compliments!
nice wheels I have the same ones and I believe I was the first to get thosefor the cx7 at the recommendation of my wheel guy...

Allthough mine are not chrome
any links to retailers for pricing comparisons??

I'm thinking of using silver 19 Vortex's with lowering springs.

How big you want?

Loaded question Cookim6, I know...but I figured I'd stay with 18's. No need or desire for anything larger. How much more wheel and less tire do I really need?

Oh and thanks Wongster. I'm going to pass on the whole painting the calipers thing though, I'd DEFINITELY find a way to screw that one up big time. :)

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