

2009 Escape XLT, 2010 CX7 sport
well i was leaving my friends house. and i was in the left turn lane to get out on the highway and i notice a BRAND NEW yellow srt4 with the 30day tag on it. so i am like why not get my ass kicked... well. the left turn light turns green and he turns and i go in the far lane and pull beside him. he floors it and i drop it down to 2nd and stand on it. well we go up the hill and i am almost side by side. we come up on a stop light and slow down. the light turns green before we get to it and we are going about 50mph. i drop it to 2nd and i punch it. when i do that all i heard was a loud scream from his car and a loud Boom. after that he slowed down very fast. i looked back and there was sparks underneath his car. i thought he was hurt or he hit something . i turn around in the median and go back and there is oil and antifreeze all over the ground. and he is in shock. "im like damn, what the hell did you do?" he told me he droped it in 1st from about 55mph. i looked at his odometer and it only said 75miles. well i stuck around for the tow truck to come and i left. i kinda felt sorry for the kid. oh well. i highly doubt warranty is going to cover it
Damn, that sucks. But... isn't it kinda hard to stick it in first without grinding at any speed that's over 10mph?
Zhan said:
Damn, that sucks. But... isn't it kinda hard to stick it in first without grinding at any speed that's over 10mph?

the kid must of jamed it hard or somthing (boom04)
I put mine in first at about 30mph while slowing down to a light while hitting the brake all the time.Of course I dont let out the clutch because I dont redline at 11,500rpms.

Sucks for the guy though. Maybe he could come up with a good excuse like. I guess the engine couldn't handle it, theres too much power.
I dont always go it though. I usually just rev match while down shifting. Im just saying you can put it in first at a higher speed.
i dont know about that. some of the new cars have a time lapse vehicle data recorder. and it probably set an over-rev code. i should have told him that id help him make up an excuse. now i feel sorry for him
theres no way he can lie to the dealership. He's SOL. They can tell that he overrevved it. I just cant believe that happend only a few hours or even days after he got it. Maybe the'll give him an used sxt out of sympathy.
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he said he just bought it less then 10 hours before this happend. i thought you had to break the motor in before you get on it. now i really feel bad because i tried to race him.
Thanks, I need to update the pic,cause now theres a nice big front mount filling in the bottom grille. :)
Well save some Of it. I got $1200 back and spent it not too wisly. Going out every night,and finishing the car of course. Now I have ZERO Dinero. I hate it because when I get a chunk of money, it seems that I could just blow it away. But now it sucks because I have a half a tank of gas that has to last me till next thursday. Well see how that goes.
dude, dont feel bad. If he woulda read the manual it says break in the car. And he clearly doesnt know how to drive. What driver who knows how to drive a stick attepmts to put their car into first rolling 55 mph? (boom2)