Jet powered MR2 on ebay

probably not very good 1/4 time since the turbines have to spool up. I saw a vid of a viper racing a F-18 in the 1/4 mile and the viper won...but it was a very short lived victory =)
sam1 said:
probably not very good 1/4 time since the turbines have to spool up. I saw a vid of a viper racing a F-18 in the 1/4 mile and the viper won...but it was a very short lived victory =)


michael shumacher took on some british fighter with his F1 car, and he won the 1/4, the 1/2, but after that the fighter took him to school.

that crazy s*** if i had the money i would buy for s***'s and giggles haha
yesiownaskyline said:
pulls into shell station:

"Yeah fill 'er up..."
"with what?!?!?"
"What, you mean you dont carry jet fuel???"

Aren't you looking for a MR 2? ??? heeheee
Thats his second turbine powered MR2, the other one was an older version red. (bow)