is this wierd?


2003.5 Titanium MSP
me and my GF where together for 6 months....6 months of the best sex I've ever had, apparently she thinks so too. We broke up today as we both kinda realized we didn't love each other, we just loved having sex. So no we've decided to just be '**** buddies' till one of us decided not to be a **** buddy anymore. Is this wierd?

Is it wierd that all along I wanted to film it and she always said no, and that now she wants to film it?

Is it wierd? or am I just lucky to have made this girl a nympho? I never thought I'd be in this situation, and I didn't even think I was that good at all(prolly one of the only males my age to admit that)'s like all those movies where actually not lying. Next movie thing to come true...nurse...time to break my legs. lol.
Just shut up and ****. Don't ask questions..don't doubt. At least you gettin some.
thats my initial thoughts yes. I just wanted to make sure I was smoking some laced s*** again. In the morning now it all seems foggily clear to me, **** the shut up is what I'm thinking.
your question would make more sense if you loved the girl. I'm not sure what I'd do in that situation because, on one hand, you love the girl so it's cool you get to bang her and.. who knows, maybe in time she changes her mind. at the same time, she could be goin out with other guys which would clearly drive any man crazy.

since you don't like her in that way... wtf is the prob? **** buddies is the best invention since sliced bread. no romancin... no expensive dates... no wearin your best duds in order to make a nice impression with her family. none of that crap! only the good stuff! there's only one downside... if and when you find a real gf, it's going to be hard to call this off. (since it's the best of both worlds) you'd have to cut this one loose... but part of you would always regret it and that song "one more time" would constantly play in your head.
yeah **** buddies is cool, but don't expect it to last too long without one of you screwing it up. Either you or her will eventually go over the line by being to BFy/GFy or one of you will **** someone else, causing the other to get angry and jealous as heeeell. So, just enjoy it while it lasts....lucky bastard.
I was in a situation like that once. Only she was never made fully aware...............
So you can see other chicks but still have sex with this girl? You should try to get that in writing :)
so the problem here is..............?

I'd say its time to grudge ****... get it all out of your system. and the thing is, the more free you become, the more energy you put into it, the harder you hit it, the more this chick is going to like it.

but be prepared for the day when one of you meets someone. If I personally got a new GF I would have to stop with this girl, and being the guy I am I would stop if she got a BF too, even if she still wanted it. I just can't be a facilitator to a cheater...
been there done this, **** friends are the best until she finds someone, so make sure you get another 1 -2 lined up :D

having like 2-3 of them is great, usually their little friends dont come all at the same time lol
RyanJayG said:
so the problem here is..............?

I'd say its time to grudge ****... get it all out of your system. and the thing is, the more free you become, the more energy you put into it, the harder you hit it, the more this chick is going to like it.

but be prepared for the day when one of you meets someone. If I personally got a new GF I would have to stop with this girl, and being the guy I am I would stop if she got a BF too, even if she still wanted it. I just can't be a facilitator to a cheater...

Yeah, I hear the morality bit there, and agree to it. Infact that was part of the agreement. An upside to this is that now neither of us is afraid to piss the other one off so it's become alot more open to new things...mwuahahahaha. Do I hear someones best friend at the door?

And tekkie, sounds like you've got the science of this down, very good sir.

Brian I wasn't complaining in any way, I just have never been this lucky and was at first afriad something bad was going to happen..very hesitant at first to let her go down on me(horror story from one of my best buds....stitches suck there apparantly)..but...all checked out and is safe. And let me say it's great.(mj) (drive)
live brotha... live

don't worry about anything.
except std's- other than that it's all good.
cable43 said:
live brotha... live

don't worry about anything.
except std's- other than that it's all good.

STD problem no worries:D. And no child worries either thanks to majical little pills she's been on for a while and never told me about....saves alot of worrying.