Is it going to be hard to get a 15 in my trunk!


Im looking to upgrade to a 15!! Does anyone know anyone with a 15 in a Pro sedan?

Im going to be porting the box so its going to be big!
yeah its gonna be hard as s***, i had one in my mp3 and the s*** just didnt wanna fit right. there is no room. just get some 12s
if you know how to build a box, shouldn't be a problem. i just put a juggernaut in my roomates neon, trunk is abou the same size as a protege, box is very big =)
Where's Wakey on this one? He's got a trunk FULL of box. I wouldn't worry about fitting a 15 if you've got some other form of pre-sub, Audibly 15's kind of suffer for alot of the upper end of what ppl usually use subs in cars for. If you're looking for say below 40-60hz it should be fine. got wake's running dual 8's in his doors to suppliment his kickpanel components. That's how he justified his beast of a sub.
Yeah, you should be able to fit the 15. GotWake? currently is running a Treo 18" in his trunk in a ported box that takes up the entire trunk. If you are that dead set on loosing all of you trunk space, than I say goo for it.


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Matthew said:
and 18" sub? is that just so you can say you have a big penis? holy s***!

yeah, it was just for s**** and giggles;) it'll either be coming out so i can put the brahma back in, or i'll be walling off the front of my trunk:)

a 15 will fit fine in a properly designed box. the biggest problem is the height of the box. i'll try to get my buddy with my old 15 and box to measure it, so i can tell you exactly what will fit through the opening;) total box size for it was about 8 cu ft, since it was a transmission line box. if i can fit that in there, you can fit a nice large ported box without a problem;) hell, back in the day i had three 15's back there(uhm)
I think the 15 will fit fine. of course got wake forgot to mention that he had to build his box with it in the trunk (some of it). but if you measure right you will be able to get a box that will fit in.
parks853 said:
I think the 15 will fit fine. of course got wake forgot to mention that he had to build his box with it in the trunk (some of it). but if you measure right you will be able to get a box that will fit in.

yeah, the 18 i had to, but single 15's are no problem. the three 15's had to be built in the trunk, too.