Insurance Question...

If any one on the board is a former military officer or the CHILD of one..... call USAA ins. to see if your eligible ...they are the BEST insurance co....w/ BEST rates..and BEST cust serv..........just dont screw up a bunch of times cause they will give you the boot...that is why their rates are the lowest....they have the best drivers...and they send me money at the end of the year if the cliams they paid were less then predicted..........which has been every year i had them.(15yrs)...when i turned 25 my rates dropped $800 / yr and they sent me back $600-ish
I am also with State Farm and I pay 170 a month. I have no tickets but an accident a few months ago where I was at fault and my vehicle was totalled. No other people or property where involved. It is a lot cheaper than I thought I was going to have to pay so I cant complain!!!
wow i have you all beat im 20 male with 0 points and my insurance is 300 month and it is lowest i can find.! i hate my life for this fact alone all paychecks goto insurance, car and gas!
i pay 244 a month thru gieco, 20 years old and clean record...also its down as a mazdaspeed, they go by vin number.......alsoinsurance goes by engine size when they charge matter the output of hp a 4cyl evo will be cheaper then a v6 or v8 sedan....etc etc......
noclue119 said:
mine is 1350 for 6 month. I'm a 22 yr old male with 2 speeding tickets. pretty high i know. Oh ya i'm with progressive. They were the cheapest for me.
Must be great living in GA, I pay about 1100 in Mass. for my P5 and I'm 24 with a perfect driving record.
The MSP's insurance isn't too high. Its within a couple of bucks of my Focus SVT and my old GTI VR6. 2 drivers, both cars runs me about $1,700 year in the Boston area, which has pretty high insurance rates.

Helps that I'm 27 and have no tickets/accidents, however.
491 a month...Its rough but should only be like that for me for this first year. I have 2 tix that my ins considers 4 points each, though I have only 1 point on my license. Next year I will have 0 ins points and I plan on switching carriers to lower my rate. Insurance in Jersey sucks... (pissed) Oh and I am a 23 year old male...I think I got everyone beat on this.
hazeXban said:
491 a month...Its rough but should only be like that for me for this first year. I have 2 tix that my ins considers 4 points each, though I have only 1 point on my license. Next year I will have 0 ins points and I plan on switching carriers to lower my rate. Insurance in Jersey sucks... (pissed) Oh and I am a 23 year old male...I think I got everyone beat on this.

nope sorry.. still doesn't come close to my $600 A MONTH. heheh
Mine is 81 a month. I tried to tell them it was a turbo car, but that was back in Jan of 2003. They couldn't find a mazdaspeed so it is listed as a normal protege.
Wow, after reading these posts I don't feel bad that my insurance went up to $450 every 6 months. My finacee hates me because I pay less than she does for her '95 4cyc S-10 :) Hopefully once I get married, all of our insurance will go down. Seems that Ohio Casualty Group is great in Ohio and Progressive is just a little more. Don't get how you guys will pay more a month for insurance though ?:) Mine is listed as a MSP on my insurance card.
For everyone that insurance has their car listed as a DX Protege If you get into an accident you may get screwed. They'll only pay you for a DX. Make sure they have it down as a MSP.
I pay $133 per month through progressive in Savannah, GA. 24, male, one speeding ticket two years ago.
CChris704 said:
anyone with state farm? i think i'm going to be stuck with them. thanks for all the replies

Ive got Ky State farm.
270 a month. Im 20, no tickets, no accidents, and not major discounts.
In 2 weeks, when i turn 21, it cuts by 45% to about 140 a month.
And i get a refund, i cant wait.
118$ a month here in Ohio with American National...I'm 26 with 1 recent speeding ticket...
One question: how do you guys pay for food when you have a car payment + a 600$ per month insurance rate???? I'd be screwed with such a rate!!!
MSBlueP said:
nope sorry.. still doesn't come close to my $600 A MONTH. heheh

Holy Cheep Chit!! $600 a month?! (upbum)

$124 a month, full coverage on two vehicles. I think I'm paying too much. And my insurance company knew I had an MSP without me telling them. Like others have said, they got it from the VIN#.
well, to my understanding, it depends on what year your MSP is on whether or not its listed as an MSP or simply a Protege. the 03s and 03.5s get screwed depending on the insurance company because its listed as a MSP. but as far as people getting screwed if its not listed as an MSP; I believe that the company goes off of your VIN # and its their responsibility to figure out its a MSP because they are insuring the car as it sits from the factory (unless you've got insurance on extra toys :D ) and are required (depending upon the contract) to return it to factory specifications or total it out. at least that's my understanding of the system
$2611/year. I just turned 17 on January 15th. No tickets or accidents. It's on my parents plan but I'm listed as the primary driver, and it's through Erie Insurance. How old are you CChris?
